Items where NERC Author is "James, Trevor"
James, Trevor. 2007 Taking forward the guidance: the Defra Local Sites seminar. NBN News (32). 12.
James, Trevor. 2007 The road to sharing wildlife data. NBN News (32). 3.
Hill, M. O.; Arnold, H. R.; Broad, G. R.; Brown, P. M. J.; James, T. J.; McLean, I. F. G.; Preston, C. D. ORCID:; Rowland, F.; Roy, D. B.
Biological Records Centre Annual Report 2005-2006.
Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.
(JNCC Report 385)
James, T.. 2006 Improving wildlife data quality: guidance on data verification, validation and their application in biological recording. Guidance manual. National Biodiversity Network. (CEH: Project Report Number C01874NEW)
James, T.. 2006 Local wildlife sites on the internet. Site Matters: the biannual newsletter about local wildlife sites, 15. 4-5.
James, T.. 2006 Longhorn Beetles (Cerambycidae) in Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 38. 184-196.
James, T.. 2006 Report on Beetles in Hertfordshire 2005, with 15 more species new to the County. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 38. 153-156.
James, T. 2006 A focus on wildlife - feedback from the fifth NBN Conference for National Societies and Recording Schemes. NBN News, 28. 5.