Heath impact of policies to reduce agriculture-related air pollutants in the UK: the relative contribution of change in PM2.5 exposure and diets to morbidity and mortality

Pastorino, Silvia; Milojevic, Ai; Green, Rosemary; Beck, Rachel ORCID:; Carnell, Edward ORCID:; Colombo, Patricia Eustachio; Misselbrook, Tom; Miller, Mark; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Tomlinson, Sam ORCID:; Vieno, Massimo ORCID:; Milner, James. 2024 Heath impact of policies to reduce agriculture-related air pollutants in the UK: the relative contribution of change in PM2.5 exposure and diets to morbidity and mortality. Environmental Research, 262 (2), 119923. 10, pp.

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Food systems can negatively impact health outcomes through unhealthy diets and indirectly through ammonia emissions originating from agricultural production, which contribute to air pollution and consequently cardiovascular and respiratory health outcomes. In the UK, ammonia emissions from agriculture have not declined in the same way as other air pollutants in recent years. We applied a novel integrated modelling framework to assess the health impacts from six ammonia reduction scenarios to 2030: two agriculture scenarios – a “Current trends” scenario projecting current mitigation measures to reflect a low ambition future, and “High ambition mitigation” based on measures included in the Climate Change Committee's Balanced Pathway to Net Zero; three dietary scenarios – a “Business as usual” based on past trajectories, “Fiscal” applying 20% tax on meat and dairy and 20% subsidy on fruit and vegetables, and “Innovation” applying a 30% switch to plant-based alternatives; one combination of “High ambition mitigation” and “Innovation”. Compared to “Current trends”, the “High ambition mitigation” scenario would result in a reduction in premature mortality of 13,000, increase life years by 90,000 and reduce incidence of respiratory diseases by 270,000 cases over a 30 year period. Compared to Business as Usual, the dietary scenarios would reduce the number of premature deaths by 65,000 and 550,000–600,000 life years gained over 30 years, with most of the benefits gained by reducing ischemic heart disease (incidence reduction: 190,000). The “High ambition combination” would lead to 67,000 deaths averted, 536,000 incidence reductions and 650,000 life-years gained. For all scenarios, older age groups and those living in lower income households would experience the greatest benefits, because of higher underlying mortality rates or higher levels of risk factors. Our study shows that combining mitigation policies targeting agricultural production systems with diet-related policies would lead to significant reductions in emissions and improvement in health outcomes.

Item Type: Publication - Article
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
UKCEH and CEH Sections/Science Areas: Atmospheric Chemistry and Effects (Science Area 2017-)
Pollution (Science Area 2017-)
UKCEH Fellows
ISSN: 0013-9351
NORA Subject Terms: Health
Atmospheric Sciences
Date made live: 13 Sep 2024 14:24 +0 (UTC)

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