Items where Programme is "Next generation ocean prediction systems"
- NERC Programmes (25104)
- Oceans 2025 (361)
- Next generation ocean prediction systems (19)
- Oceans 2025 (361)
Belcher, Stephen E.; Grant, Alan A.L.M.; Hanley, Kirsty E.; Fox-Kemper, Baylor; Van Roekel, Luke; Sullivan, Peter P.; Large, William G.; Brown, Andy; Hines, Adrian; Calvert, Daley; Rutgersson, Anna; Pettersson, Heidi; Bidlot, Jean-Raymond; Janssen, Peter A.E.M.; Polton, Jeff A. ORCID:
A global perspective on Langmuir turbulence in the ocean surface boundary layer.
Geophysical Research Letters, 39.
Berntsen, Jarle; Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan. 2009 Numerical studies of flow over a sill: sensitivity of the non-hydrostatic effects to the grid size. Ocean Dynamics, 59 (6). 1043-1059. 10.1007/s10236-009-0227-0
Berntsen, J.; Xing, J.; Davies, Alan. 2008 Numerical studies of internal waves at a sill: sensitivity to horizontal grid size and subgrid scale closure. Continental Shelf Research, 28 (10-11). 1376-1393. 10.1016/j.csr.2008.03.029
Davies, Alan M.; Xing, Jiuxing; Berntsen, Jarle. 2009 Non-hydrostatic and non-linear contributions to the internal wave energy flux in sill regions. Ocean Dynamics, 59 (6). 881-897. 10.1007/s10236-009-0217-2
Hyder, P.; Simpson, J. H.; Xing, J.; Gille, S. T.. 2011 Observations over an annual cycle and simulations of wind-forced oscillations near the critical latitude for diurnal-inertial resonance. Continental Shelf Research, 31 (15). 1576-1591. 10.1016/j.csr.2011.06.001
Holt, J. ORCID:; Wakelin, S.
ORCID:; Lowe, J.; Tinker, J..
The potential impacts of climate change on the hydrography of the northwest European continental shelf.
Progress in Oceanography, 86 (3-4).
Holt, J.T. ORCID:; Proctor, R..
The seasonal circulation and volume transport on the northwest European continental shelf: a fine-resolution model study.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (C6).
Art. No. C06021.
Holt, J. T. ORCID:; Umlauf, L..
Modelling the tidal mixing fronts and seasonal stratification of the Northwest European Continental shelf.
Continental Shelf Research, 28 (7).
Hall, P.; Davies, A. M.. 2007 A three dimensional finite element model of wind effects upon higher harmonics of the internal tide. Ocean Dynamics, 57 (4-5). 305-323. 10.1007/s10236-007-0117-2
Humphery, J. D.. 2007 Soapbox. Sea Technology, 48 (8). 77.
Holt, Jason ORCID:; Proctor, Roger; Ashworth, Mike.
High-resolution modelling of the Northwest European shelf seas using POLCOMS.
Capability Computing, 10 (Autumn).
8-9, 11.
Jones, John Eric; Hall, Philip; Davies, Alan M.. 2009 An inter-comparison of tidal solutions computed with a range of unstructured grid models of the Irish and Celtic Sea regions. Ocean Dynamics, 59 (6). 997-1023. 10.1007/s10236-009-0225-2
Jones, J. E.; Davies, A. M.. 2008 Storm surge computations for the west coast of Britain using a finite element model (TELEMAC). Ocean Dynamics, 58 (5-6). 337-363. 10.1007/s10236-008-0140-y
Jones, J. Eric; Davies, Alan M.. 2008 On the modification of tides in shallow water regions by wind effects. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (C5), Art. No. C05014. 10.1029/2007JC004310
O'Neill, C.K.; Polton, J.A. ORCID:; Holt, J.T.
ORCID:; O'Dea, E.J..
Modelling temperature and salinity in Liverpool Bay and the Irish Sea: sensitivity to model type and surface forcing.
Ocean Science, 8.
Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan M.; Jones, J. Eric. 2011 Application of an unstructured mesh model to the determination of the baroclinic circulation of the Irish Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C10026. 10.1029/2011JC007063
Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan M.. 2011 Tidal mixing in sill regions: influence of sill depth and aspect ratio. Ocean Dynamics, 61 (10). 1697-1717. 10.1007/s10236-011-0441-4
Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan. 2010 The effects of large and small-scale topography upon internal waves and implications for tidally induced mixing in sill regions. Ocean Dynamics, 60 (1). 1-25. 10.1007/s10236-009-0234-1
Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan M.. 2009 Influence of multiple sills upon internal wave generation and the implications for mixing. Geophysical Research Letters, 36. L13602. 10.1029/2009GL038181