Items where Programme is "Environmental Informatics"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 30.

Publication - Article

Smith, Geoffrey M.; Morton, R. Daniel. 2010 Real World Objects in GEOBIA through the Exploitation of Existing Digital Cartography and Image Segmentation. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 76 (2). 163-171.

Comber, Alexi J.; Fisher, Peter F.; Wadsworth, Richard A.. 2008 Semantics, metadata, geographical information and users. Transactions in GIS, 12 (3). 287-291. 10.1111/j.1467-9671.2008.01102.x

Comber, A.j.; Wadsworth, R.A.; Fisher, P.F.. 2008 Using semantics to clarify the conceptual confusion between land cover and land use: the example of ‘forest’. Journal of Land Use Science, 3. 185-198. 10.1080/17474230802434187

Comber, A. J.; Fisher, P. F.; Wadsworth, R. A.. 2007 Land Cover: to standardise or not to standardise? Comment on 'Evolving standards in land cover characterization' by Herold et al. Journal of Land Use Science, 2 (4). 287-291. 10.1080/17474230701786000

McCulloch, Ian; Pettman, Ian; Talling, Jack. 2007 Interrelated contributions to freshwater science over 78 years: a guide to published work from the Freshwater Biological Association, Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 1929–2006. Freshwater Forum, 27. 27-46.

Wadsworth, Richard A.; Hall, Jane R.. 2007 Setting Site Specific Critical Loads: An Approach using Endorsement Theory and Dempster–Shafer. Water Air and Soil Pollution: Focus, 7 (1-3). 399-405. 10.1007/s11267-006-9084-8

Dick, Jan ORCID:; Skiba, Ute ORCID:; Munro, Robert; Deans, Douglas. 2006 Effect of N-fixing and non N-fixing trees and crops on NO and N2O emissions from Senegalese soils. Journal of Biogeography, 33 (3). 416-423. 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2005.01421.x

Fisher, Peter; Arnot, Charles; Wadsworth, Richard; Wellens, Jane. 2006 Detecting change in vague interpretations of landscapes. Ecological Informatics, 1 (2). 163-178. 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2006.02.002

Hammershoj, Mette; Travis, Justin M. J.; Stephenson, Catriona M.. 2006 Incorporating evolutionary processes into a spatially-explicit model: exploring the consequences of mink-farm closures in Denmark. Ecography, 29. 465-476. 10.1111/j.2006.0906-7590.04492.x

Lewis, Sue; Gremillet, David; Daunt, Francis ORCID:; Ryan, Peter G.; Crawford, Robert J. M.; Wanless, Sarah ORCID: 2006 Using behavioural and state variables to identify proximate causes of population change in a seabird. Oecologia, 147 (4). 606-614. 10.1007/s00442-005-0321-z

Publication - Book

Rouen, Karen J., ed. 2008 Published work on freshwater science from the FBA, IFE and CEH, 1929-2006. Ambleside, Freshwater Biological Association, 161pp. (FBA Occasional Publication, 32).

Olschofsky, K.; Kohler, P.; Gerard, F.; Thomson, A.; Manchester, S.; Smith, G.; Wadsworth, R.; Swetnam, R.; Petit, S.; Gregor, M.; Sandra, L.; Huitu, H.; Hazeu, G.; Mucher, S.; Halada, L.; Bugar, G.; Pino, J.. 2006 Land cover change in Europe from the 1950'ies to 2000. Aerial photo interpretation and derived statistics from 59 samples distributed across Europe. Hamburg, Institute of World Forestry (BIOPRESS), 364pp.

Roberts, J.; Jackson, N.; Smith, M.. 2006 Tree roots in the built environment. London, The Stationery Ofice. (Research for Amenity Trees, 8).

Publication - Book Section

Rees, Gwyn ORCID: 2008 Hydrological Data. In: Gustard, Alan; Demuth, Siegfried, (eds.) Manual on Low-flow Estimation and Prediction. Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 22-35, 136pp. (Operational Hydrology Report No. 50, WMO-No. 1029).

Wadsworth, Richard A.; Comber, Alexis J.; Fisher, Peter F.. 2008 Probabilistic latent semantic analysis as a potential method for integrating spatial data concepts. In: Navratil, Gerhard, (ed.) Proceedings of the Colloquium for Andrew U. Frank's 60th Birthday 2008. Vienna, Department of Geoinformation and Cartography, 99-108. (GeoInfo, 39).

Wadsworth, R. A.. 2007 Monitoring landscape change. In: Vegetation Management. Warwick, Association of Applied Biologists, 213-215. (Aspects of Applied Biology, 82).

Wadsworth, Richard A,; Hall, Jane R.. 2007 Setting site specific critical loads: An approach using Endorsement Theory and Dempster–Shafer. In: Brimblecombe, Peter; Hara, Hiroshi; Houle, Daniel; Novak, Martin, (eds.) Acid rain - deposition to recovery. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer, 399-405.

Comber, A. J.; Wadsworth, R. A.; Fisher, P. F.. 2006 Reasoning methods for handling uncertain information in land cover mapping. In: Devillers, R.; Jeansoulin, R., (eds.) Fundamentals of spatial data quality. London, ISTE, 123-138.

Fisher, P. F.; Comber, A. J.; Wadsworth, R. A.. 2006 Approaches to uncertainty in spatial data. In: Devillers, R.; Jeansoulin, R., (eds.) Fundamentals of spatial data quality. London, ISTE, 43-56.

Publication - Conference Item

van der werf, D.C. (Bert); Adamescu, Mihai; Ayromlou, Minu; Bertrand, Nicolas; Borovec, Jakub; Boussard, Hugues; Cazacu, Constatin; van Daele, Toon; Datcu, Sabina; Frenzel, Mark; Hammen, Volker; Karasti, Helena; Kertesz, Miklos; Kuitunen, Pirjo; Lane, Mandy; Lieskovsky, Juraj; Magagna, Barbara; Peterseil, Johannes; Rennie, Sue; Schentz, Herbert; Schleidt, Katharina; Tuominen, Liisa. 2008 SERONTO: a Socio-Ecological Research and Observation oNTOlogy. In: Proceedings of TDWG 2008, Fremantle, Australia, 17-25 October 2008.

Moore, Roger; Tindall, Isabella; Dixon, Harry ORCID: 2007 Data Management Planning for Science Projects – Developing an Approach in CEH. [Poster] In: NERC DMAG Workshop (Data Management in 21st Century: Delivering the new NERC Science Strategy), Leamington Spa, 10-11 October 2007. (Unpublished)

Comber, A. J.; Fisher, P. F.; Harvey, F.; Gahegan, M.; Wadsworth, R. A.. 2006 Using metadata to link uncertainty and data quality assessments. In: Progress in spatial data handling: Proceedings of the 12th international symposium on spatial data handling, University of Vienna, Austria, 12-14th July 2006. Berlin, Springer, 279-292.

Wadsworth, R. A.; Comber, A. J.; Fisher, P. F.. 2006 Expert knowledge and embedded knowledge: Or why long rambling class descriptions are useful. In: Progress in spatial data handling, proceedings of the 12th international symposium on spatial data handling, University of Vienna, Austria, 12-14th July 2006. Berlin, Springer, 197-213.

Publication - Map

Scholefield, Paul ORCID: 2009 Esthwaite Bathymetric Map. 1:10000. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (Unpublished)

Publication - Report

Murphy, Hazel; Moore, Roger; Van Assel, Johan; Ronse, Yves; Safiolea, Ria; Gregersen, Jan. 2008 Bringing the OpenMI to LIFE Progress Report No. 4 - 31st March 2008 – 30th September 2008. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 79pp. (CEH Project Number: C03173, LIFE06 ENV/UK.000409) (Unpublished)

Wood, C.M. ORCID: 2008 CS1978 – Data Rescue. Scoping study for digitizing Countryside Survey primary field data documents. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 15pp. (Unpublished)

Murphy, Hazel; Gregersen, Jan; Fortune, David; Moore, Roger; Ronse, Yves; Safiolea, Ria; Van Assel, Johan. 2008 Bringing the OpenMI to LIFE. Interim Report: 1st October 2006 – 31st March 2008. European Commission, 152pp. (CEH Project Number: C03173) (Unpublished)

Moore, Roger; Tindall, Isabella; Van Assel, Johan; Ronse, Yves; Safiolea, Ria; Gregersen, Jan. 2007 Bringing the OpenMI to LIFE. Progress Report No. 2 - 1st April 2007 – 30th September 2007 Progress Report No 2 1st April 2007 – 30th September 2007. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology/European Commission, 39pp. (CEH Project Number: C03173, LIFE06 ENV/UK.000409) (Unpublished)

Moore, Roger; Tindall, Isabella; Van Assel, Johan; Ronse, Yves; Safiolea, Ria; Gregersen, Jan. 2007 Bringing the OpenMI to LIFE Progress Report No. 1 - 1st October 2006 – 31st March 2007. N/A, 32pp. (CEH Project Number: C03173) (Unpublished)

Wood, C. ORCID: 2006 Database documentation. MASQ (Monitoring and Assessing Soil Quality) database of UK soil chemistry and biology data 1978-2000. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 85pp. (Unpublished)

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