Items where Programme is "Information Management"
- NERC Programmes (25105)
- BGS Programmes 2009 (461)
- Information Management (5)
- BGS Programmes 2009 (461)
Giles, Jerry; Waters, Robin; Walker, Rob. 2009 How INSPIREd is NERC? In: GSDI 11 World Conference - Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence: Bulding SDI Bridges to address Global Challenges, Rotterdam, 15-19 June 2009. GSDI 11 World Conference - Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence: Bulding SDI Bridges to address Global Challenges, 1-11.
Giles, Jeremy. 2009 A practitioners guide to managing geoscience information. In: Digital Mapping Techniques 09, West Virginia, USA, 10-13 May 2009. (Unpublished)
Giles, Jeremy; Kessler, Holger. 2009 Why doesn't your model pass information to mine? In: Digital Mapping Techniques 09, West Virginia, USA, 10-13 May 2009. (Unpublished)
Howe, Mike. 2009 Darwin & the Geological Survey : an unlikely collaboration? [Lecture] In: Darwin in the field : collecting, observation and experiment, Cambridge, 11-12 July 2009. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)
Kessler, H.; Giles, J.; Gunnink, J.; Hughes, A.; Moore, R.V.; Peach, D.. 2009 Integrated modelling of natural and human systems : problems and initiatives. Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 7pp. (Unpublished)