Items where Centre is "Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL) (pre 2010)" and Year is 2005
Atkinson, Larry P.; Huthnance, John ORCID:; Blanco, Jose L..
Circulation, mixing and the distribution of remineralized nutrients.
In: Robinson, Allan R.; Brink, Kenneth H., (eds.)
The global coastal ocean: multiscale interdisciplinary processes.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 227-267, 1033pp.
(The Sea, Vol. 13).
Betteridge, K.F.B.; Bell, P.S. ORCID:; Thorne, P.D.
ORCID:; Williams, J.J..
A field study Evaluation of the triple axis Coherent Doppler Velocity Profiler for measuring near bed flow.
Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 51pp.
(Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Internal Document, 177)
Bolanos-Sanchez, Rodolfo; Riethmüller, Rolf; Gayer, Gerhard; Amos, Carl L.. 2005 Sediment Transport in a Tidal Lagoon Subject to Varying Winds Evaluated with a Coupled Current-Wave Model. Journal of Coastal Research, 21 (2). e11-e26. 10.2112/03-0048.1
Carrillo, L.; Souza, A.J.; Hill, A.E.; Brown, J.; Ferdinand, L.; Candela, J.. 2005 Detiding ADCP data in a highly variable shelf sea. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22 (1). 84-97. 10.1175/JTECH-1687.1
Enriquez, Celia E; Shapiro, Georgy I.; Souza, Alejandro J.; Zatsepin, Andrei G.. 2005 Hydrodynamic Modelling of Mesoscale Eddies in the Black Sea. Ocean Dynamics, 55 (5-6). 476-489. 10.1007/s10236-005-0031-4
Hall, P.; Davies, A. M.. 2005 Comparison of finite difference and element models of internal tides on the Malin–Hebrides shelf. Ocean Dynamics, 55 (3-4). 272-293. 10.1007/s10236-005-0018-1
Hall, P.; Davies, A. M.. 2005 Effect of coastal boundary resolution and mixing upon internal wave generation and propagation in coastal regions. Ocean Dynamics, 55 (3-4). 248-271. 10.1007/s10236-005-0014-5
Hall, P.; Davies, A. M.. 2005 The influence of sampling frequency, non-linear interaction, and frictional effects upon the accuracy of the harmonic analysis of tidal simulations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 29 (6). 533-552. 10.1016/j.apm.2004.09.015
Howarth, M.J.; Souza, A.J.. 2005 Reynolds stress observations in continental shelf seas. Deep Sea Research II, 52 (9-10). 1075-1086. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.01.003
Huthnance, J.M. ORCID:
F.S. 'Poseidon' cruise 328: slope mixing, Torshaven to Aberdeen, 6-25th September 2005.
Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 44pp.
(POL Cruise Report No. 48)
Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Brandon, Mark A.; Murphy, Eugene J.
ORCID:; Trathan, Philip N.
ORCID:; Thorpe, Sally E.
ORCID:; Bone, Douglas G.; Chernyshkov, Pavel P.; Sushin, Viacheslav A..
Variability in hydrographic conditions to the east and northwest of South Georgia, 1996–2001.
Journal of Marine Systems, 53 (1-4).
Souza, Alejandro; Friedrich, Carl. 2005 Near-bottom Boundary Layers. In: Baumert, H.; Simpson, J.; Sunderman, J., (eds.) Marine Turbulence: Theories, Observations and Models. Cambridge,UK, Cambridge University Press, 283-296.
Souza, Alejandro; Howarth, Michael John. 2005 Estimates of Reynolds stress in a highly energetic shelf sea. Ocean Dynamics, 55 (5-6). 490-498. 10.1007/s10236-005-0012-7
Tsimplis, M.N.; Woolf, D.K.; Osborn, T.J.; Wakelin, S. ORCID:; Wolf, J.
ORCID:; Flather, R.; Shaw, A.G.P.; Woodworth, P.; Challenor, P.; Blackman, D.; Pert, F.; Yan, Z.; Jevrejeva, S.
Towards a vulnerability assessment of the UK and northern European coasts: the role of regional climate variability.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 363 (1831).
Woodworth, P. L. ORCID:; Blackman, D. L.; Pugh, D. T.; Vassie, J. M..
On the role of diurnal tides in contributing to asymmetries in tidal probability distribution functions in areas of predominantly semi-diurnal tide.
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 64 (2-3).