Items where Centre is "Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (pre 12/2019)" and Year is 1965
Bell, J.P.; Rodda, J.C.; McCulloch, J.S.G.. 1965 Neutron scattering techniques for soil moisture assessment. Hydrological Research Unit. (Hydrological Research Unit Report no.1) (Unpublished)
Gordon, N.J. 1965 Isle of May bird observatory and field station reports for 1964. Scottish Birds, 3 (6). 283-287.
Key, M.T.H.. 1965 A weekly recording anemometer. Meteorological Magazine, 94. 113-114.
McCulloch, J.S.G.; Periera, H.C.; Kerfoot, O.; Goodchild, N.A.. 1965 Effect of shade trees on tea yields. Agricultural Meteorology, 2 (6). 385-399. 10.1016/0002-1571(65)90043-9
McCulloch, J.S.G.; Talbot, L.M.. 1965 Comparison of weight estimation methods for wild animals and domestic livestock. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2 (1). 59-69. 10.2307/2401693
Moore, N.W.. 1965 Environmental contamination by pesticides. In: Goodman, Gordon T.; Edwards, R.W.; Lambert, J.M., (eds.) Ecology and the industrial society. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 219-237. (British Ecological Society Symposium, no.5).
Rodda, John C.. 1965 A drought study in south-east England. Water and Water Engineering (August 1965). 316-321.
Sutcliffe, J.V.. 1965 The provinces of Kurdistan and Kermanshah: an estimation of evaporation. Hydrological Research Unit, 6pp. (Unpublished)