Items where NERC Author is "Bateman, Keith"
Lacinska, Alicja M.; Bateman, Keith; Chenery, Simon; Kemp, Simon J. ORCID:; Liddy, Thomas; Rushton, Jeremy C.
ORCID:; Saha, Dipankar; Schroeder, Sven L.M..
Immobilisation of chromium in magnesium carbonate minerals.
Mineralogical Magazine, 88 (2).
Banks, Finlay; Lacinska, Alicja; Bateman, Keith; Pearce, Jonathan; Williams, John; Vedanti, Nimisha. 2024 CO2 Mineralization of Deccan Trap Basalts. [Lecture] In: Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Role of Geosciences in Carbon Storage., Mumbai, India, 19-21 Mar 2024. (Unpublished)
Lacinska, Alicja M.; Arcila, Carlo; Bateman, Keith; Barlow, Thomas; Chenery, Simon; Domingo, Justine; Goodenough, Kathryn; Gowing, Charles B.; Hamilton, Elliott; Kalra, Mark; Kemp, Simon ORCID:; Liddy, Thomas; Lusty, Paul; Palumbo-Roe, Barbara; Pearson, Monty; Perez, Americus; Rushton, Jeremy C.
ORCID:; Saha, Dipankar; Schroeder, Sven L.M.; Watts, Michael; Wragg, Joanna.
Mining of nickel laterites – towards more environmentally responsible operations.
In: Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, 09-14 Jul 2023.
Banks, Finlay; Vedanti, Nimisha; Lacinska, Alicja; Ougier-Simonin, Audrey; Williams, John; Kilpatrick, Andrew; Bateman, Keith; Fletcher, Cameron. 2023 CO2 sequestration potential in Indian basalts. [Poster] In: The 12th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage (TCCS-12), Trondheim, Norway, 19-21 Jun 2023. (Unpublished)
Morgan, Hayden; Large, David J.; Bateman, Keith; Hanstock, David; Gregory, Simon P.. 2021 Potential impacts of oxygen impurities in carbon capture and storage on microbial community composition and activity. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 111, 103479. 10.1016/j.ijggc.2021.103479
Morgan, Hayden; Large, David; Bateman, Keith; Hanstock, David; Gregory, Simon. 2017 The effect of variable oxygen impurities on microbial activity in conditions resembling geological storage sites. Energy Procedia, 114. 3077-3087. 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1437
Lacinska, Alicja M.; Styles, Michael T.; Bateman, Keith; Hall, Matthew; Brown, Paul D.. 2017 An experimental study of the carbonation of serpentinite and partially serpentinised peridotites. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5, 37. 10.3389/feart.2017.00037
Lacinska, Alicja M.; Styles, Michael T.; Bateman, Keith; Wagner, Doris; Hall, Matthew R.; Gowing, Charles; Brown, Paul D.. 2016 Acid-dissolution of antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite for ex situ carbon capture and storage by mineralisation. Chemical Geology, 437. 153-169. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.05.015
Shaw, R.A.; Deady, E.A.; Bateman, K.; Lusty, P.L.. 2016 CHPM (Combined Heat, Power and Metal extraction) 2030 deliverable (D1.2): report on data availability for south-west England. British Geological Survey, 55pp. (IR/16/030) (Unpublished)
Hough, E.; Bateman, K.; Cuss, R.J.; Harrington, J.F.; Haslam, R.B.; Hennissen, J.A.; Hobbs, P.R.N.; Kilpatrick, A.D.; Moss-Hayes, V.; Purser, G.; Selby, L.; Vane, C.H. ORCID:; Waters, C.H..
Onshore carboniferous basins : third review report.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 63pp.
Hall, M.R.; Rigby, S.P.; Dim, P.; Bateman, K.; Mackintosh, S.J.; Rochelle, C.A.. 2016 Post-CO2 injection alteration of the pore network and intrinsic permeability tensor for a Permo-Triassic sandstone. Geofluids, 16 (2). 249-263. 10.1111/gfl.12146
Rochelle, C.A.; Milodowski, A.E.; Bateman, K.; Moyce, E.B.A.; Kilpatrick, A.. 2016 A long-term experimental study of the reactivity of basement rock with highly alkaline cement waters: reactions over the first 15 months. Mineralogical Magazine, 80 (6). 1089-1113. 10.1180/minmag.2016.080.056
Weibel, R.; Kjøller, C.; Bateman, K.; Laier, T.; Nielsen, L.H.; Purser, G.. 2014 Carbonate dissolution in Mesozoic sand- and claystones as a response to CO2 exposure at 70°C and 20MPa. Applied Geochemistry, 42. 1-15. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.12.006
Field, L.; Milodowski, A.E.; Bateman, K.; Jones, L.; Purser, G.; Moyce, E.B.A.; Rochelle, C.; Shaw, S.. 2014 Petrology of column experiments on the interaction of young cement leachate with silicate host rock in a geological disposal facility. [Other] In: Goldschmidt 2014, Sacramento, USA, 8-13 June 2014.
Bateman, K.; Rochelle, C.A.; Purser, G.; Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Wagner, D..
Geochemical interactions between CO2 and minerals within the Utsira Caprock: a 5-year experimental study.
Energy Procedia, 37.
Wragg, J.; Rushton, J.C. ORCID:; Bateman, K.; Green, K.; Harrison, H.; Wagner, D.; Milodowski, A.E.; West, J.M..
Microbial impacts of CO2 transport in Sherwood Sandstone.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 51pp.
Wragg, Joanna; West, Julia M.; Bateman, Keith. 2013 Potential impact of CO2 on subsurface microbial ecosystems and implications for the performance of storage reservoirs. Energy Procedia, 37. 800-805. 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.05.170
West, J.M.; Bateman, K.; Coombs, P.; Harrison, H.; Holyoake, S.; Milodowski, A.E.; Rushton, J. ORCID:; Turner, G.; Wagner, D.; Wragg, J..
Microbiological effects on transport processes (BioTran) : data production from column experiments containing Sherwood Sandstone (October 2010-July 2011).
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 83pp.
Harrison, H.; Wagner, D.; Yoshikawa, H.; West, J.M.; Milodowski, A.E.; Sasaki, Y.; Turner, G.; Lacinska, A.; Holyoake, S.; Harrington, J.; Noy, D.; Coombs, P.; Bateman, K.; Aoki, K.. 2011 Microbiological influences on fracture surfaces of intact mudstone and the implications for geological disposal of radioactive waste. Mineralogical Magazine, 75 (4). 2449-2466. 10.1180/minmag.2011.075.4.2449
Weibel, R.; Kjøller, C.; Bateman, K.; Nielsen, L.H.; Frykman, P.; Springer, N.; Laier, T.. 2011 Mineral changes in CO2 experiments : examples from Danish onshore saline aquifers. Energy Procedia, 4. 4495-4502. 10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.405
Harrison, H.M.; West, J.M.; Bateman, K.; Cave, M.; Coombs, P.; Harrington, J.; Lacinska, A.M.; Milodowski, A.E.; Turner, G.H.; Wagner, D.. 2010 Microbial effects on transport processes (BioTran) : anaerobic flow-through experiments using crushed Diorite and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (April 2008-March 2009). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 58pp. (OR/09/033) (Unpublished)
Coombs, P.; Wagner, D.; Bateman, K.; Harrison, H.; Milodowski, A.E.; Noy, D.; West, J.M.. 2010 The role of biofilms in subsurface transport processes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 43 (2). 131-139. 10.1144/1470-9236/08-029
Rochelle, C.A.; Camps, A.P.; Long, D.; Milodowski, A.; Bateman, K.; Gunn, D.; Jackson, P.; Lovell, M.A.; Rees, J.. 2009 Can CO2 hydrate assist in the underground storage of carbon dioxide? In: Long, David; Lovell, Mike A; Rees, John; Rochelle, Christopher, (eds.) Sediment-hosted gas hydrates : new insights on natural and synthetic systems. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 171-183. (Special publications Geological Society, 319).
Coombs, Patricia; West, Julia; Wagner, Doris; Turner, Gren; Noy, David; Milodowski, Antoni; Lacinska, Alicja; Harrison, Heather; Bateman, Keith. 2008 Influence of biofilms on transport of fluids in subsurface granitic environments : some mineralogical and petrographical observations of materials from column experiments. Mineralogical Magazine, 72 (1). 393-397. 10.1180/minmag.2008.072.1.393
West, Julia; Bateman, Keith; Coombs, Patricia; Harrison, Heather; Harrington, Jon; Lacinska, Alicja; Milodowski, Antoni; Noy, David; Turner, Gren; Wagner, Doris. 2008 Microbial effects on transport processes (BioTran) : experimental methologies and results (April 2007 - March 2008). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 61pp. (OR/08/057) (Unpublished)
West, Julia; Mckinley, I.G.; Bateman, Keith. 2008 The microbiology of redox processes : development of a redox model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 24pp. (OR/08/076) (Unpublished)
Wagner, Doris; Bateman, Keith; Coombs, Patricia; Harrison, Heather; Milodowski, Antoni; West, Julia. 2007 Experimental growth of biofilms for studies on the impact of microbes on transport processes in groundwater systems [abstract]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71 (15 Sup). A1077. 10.1016/j.gca.2007.06.029
Bateman, K.; Coombs, P.; Harrison, H.M.; Milodowski, A.E.; Noy, D.J.; Vane, C.H. ORCID:; Wagner, D.; West, J.M..
BioTran : microbial transport and microbial indicators of mass transport through geological media : a literature survey.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 24pp.
West, J.M.; McKinley, I.G.; Rochelle, C.A.; Bateman, K.A.; Kawamura, H.. 2006 Microbiological effects on the Cavern-Extended Storage (CES) repository for radioactive waste : a quantitative evaluation. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 90 (1-2). 114-122. 10.1016/j.gexplo.2005.09.010
Bateman, K.; Turner, G.; Pearce, J.M.; Noy, D.J.; Birchall, D.; Rochelle, C.A.. 2005 Large-scale column experiment : study of CO2, porewater, rock reactions and model test case. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 60 (1). 161-175. 10.2516/ogst:2005010
Azaroual, M.; Durst, P.; Czernichowski-Lauriol, I.; Olsen, D.; Stentoft, N.; Springer, N.; Rochelle, C.A.; Pearce, J.; Bateman, K.; Birchall, D.. 2005 The geochemical reactions resulting from CO2 injection into the Midale Formation, Weyburn Oilfield : a laboratory experimental and modelling study. In: Rubin, E.S., (ed.) Greenhouse gas control technologies 7. Elsevier, 2107-2110.
Rochelle, C.A.; Pearce, J.M.; Bateman, K.; Birchall, D.; Turner, G.. 2004 Interactions between supercritical CO2 and borehole cements used at the Weyburn oilfield. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 32pp. (CR/04/009N) (Unpublished)
Rochelle, C.A.; Pearce, J.M.; Birchall, D.J.; Bateman, K.. 2004 The Weyburn project : summary report for Task 3.1 : experimental geochemical studies of CO2-porewater-rock interaction. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 23pp. (CR/04/020N) (Unpublished)
Rochelle, C.A.; Birchall, D.J.; Pearce, J.M.; Charlton, B.D.; Reeder, S.; Shaw, R.A.; Taylor, H.; Turner, G.; Bateman, K.; McKervey, J.A.. 2003 Geochemical interactions between supercritical CO2 and the Midale Formation. V : experiments investigating reactions of the Midale Vuggy. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 46pp. (CR/03/334N) (Unpublished)
Rochelle, C.A.; Birchall, D.J.; Bateman, K.. 2002 Geochemical interactions between supercritical CO2 and the Midale Formation. I: Introduction to fluid-rock interaction experiments. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 36pp. (CR/02/289N) (Unpublished)
Rochelle, C.A.; Bateman, K.; Pearce, J.M.. 2002 Geochemical interactions between supercritical CO2 and the Utsira Formation: an experimental study. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 71pp. (CR/02/060N) (Unpublished)
Holloway, Sam; Rochelle, Christopher; Bateman, Keith; Pearce, Jonathan; Baily, Heather; Metcalfe, Richard. 1996 The underground disposal of carbon dioxide : final report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 355pp.