Comparing geophysical inversion and petrophysical measurements for northern Victoria Land, Antarctica

Lowe, Maximilian ORCID:; Jordan, Tom ORCID:; Ebbing, Jörg; Koglin, Nikola; Ruppel, Antonia; Moorkamp, Max; Läufer, Andreas; Green, Chris; Liebsch, Jonas; Ginga, Mikhail; Larter, Robert ORCID: 2024 Comparing geophysical inversion and petrophysical measurements for northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Geophysical Journal International, 239 (1), ggae272. 276-291.

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© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.
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Bedrock geology from Antarctica remains largely unknown since it is hidden beneath thick ice sheets. Geophysical methods such as gravity and magnetic inverse modelling provide a framework to infer crustal rock properties indirectly in Antarctica. However, due to limited availability of rock samples, validation against direct geological information is challenging. We present a new rock property catalogue containing density and susceptibility measurements on 320 rock samples from northern Victoria Land. This catalogue is used to assess the reliability of local and regional scale inverse results, including a new local high resolution magnetic inversion in the Mesa Range region and a previously published regional scale joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data in northern Victoria Land and the Wilkes Subglacial Basin. We compare our density and susceptibility measurements to global and local measurements from the literature to access the correlation to rock types and geological units. Furthermore, the measured values are compared against inverted values. The close correspondence between inverted and measured rock properties allows us to predict locations of rock types where currently such information is missing. The utility of measured susceptibility and density relationships for interpreting inversion output provides a strong incentive to incorporate local rock samples into geophysical studies of subglacial geology across Antarctica.

Item Type: Publication - Article
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
ISSN: 0956-540X
Additional Keywords: Joint inversion, Gravity anomalies and Earth structure, Antarctica, Magnetic anomalies: modelling and interpretation, Rock and mineral magnetism
Date made live: 09 Aug 2024 09:04 +0 (UTC)

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