ORAMA project deliverable 1.2. Final analysis and recommendations for the improvement of statistical data collection methods in Europe for primary raw materials

Bide, Tom; Horvath, Zoltan; Brown, Teresa; Idoine, Naomi; Lauko, Agnes; Sores, Laszlo; Petavratzi, Evi; McGrath, Eoin; Bavec, Spela; Rokavec, Duska; Eloranta, Taina; Aasly, Kari. 2018 ORAMA project deliverable 1.2. Final analysis and recommendations for the improvement of statistical data collection methods in Europe for primary raw materials. Brussels, European Commission, 104pp. (OR/18/069) (Unpublished)

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This report brings together the outputs of Task 1.1 and 1.2 of Work Package 1 of the ORAMA project. Task 1.1 aims to produce an inventory of how minerals data are collected within Europe, via a survey of data providers, and Task 1.2 aims to review previous work from past projects, working groups and professional organisations in this subject area. Together this has built a comprehensive understanding of how minerals data are collected in Europe, what data gaps exist, what the issues are with regard to creating harmonised European datasets for minerals information and what good practice examples exist that lessons can be learnt from. The results of the survey show that countries that have a clear legal and regulatory procedure for collecting data often have the most robust systems in place. These countries often also have a strong motivation for collecting such data, such as receiving a significant income from mineral royalties as a result of state ownership of minerals, although resource management or land use planning also provide motivation for the collection of data. The results of the survey also showed there is a large variety in the way data is collected within Europe. This variety is not necessarily an issue with regard harmonisation as long as data providers ensure that they adhere to common data standards and classification systems, such as INSPIRE or UNFC when providing data for aggregation at a European level. The review of previous projects showed the breadth of work that had gone into the improvement of statistical datasets over the last few years. Especially from projects such as Minventory and Minerals4EU, which provide a clear roadmap for harmonising European minerals datasets, or the work of the EGS MREG (EuroGeoSurveys Mineral Resources Expert Group) towards the harmonisation of resource and reserve codes within Europe. A common theme of many of these recommendations is the need for common standards to be adhered to and that in some instances these specifications may need to be adapted to accommodate statistical data for mineral resources which are aggregated at a national scale.

Item Type: Publication - Report
Funders/Sponsors: British Geological Survey, European Commission
Additional Information. Not used in RCUK Gateway to Research.: This item has been internally reviewed, but not externally peer-reviewed.
NORA Subject Terms: Earth Sciences
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Date made live: 21 Mar 2019 12:56 +0 (UTC)

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