Items where NERC Author is "Lorentzen, Dag Arne"
Baddeley, Lisa J.; Lorentzen, Dag Arne; Partamies, N.; Denig, M.; Pilipenko, V. A.; Oksavik, K.; Chen, X.; Zhang, Y.. 2017 Equatorward propagating auroral arcs driven by ULF wave activity: Multipoint ground- and space-based observations in the dusk sector auroral oval. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122 (5). 5591-5605. 10.1002/2016JA023427
Yagova, Nadezda; Nosikova, Natalia; Baddeley, Lisa; Kozyreva, Olga; Lorentzen, Dag Arne; Pilipenko, Vyacheslav; Johnsen, Magnar G.. 2017 Non-triggered auroral substorms and long-period (1–4 mHz) geomagnetic and auroral luminosity pulsations in the polar cap. Annales Geophysicae, 35 (3). 365-376. 10.5194/angeo-35-365-2017
Chen, X.-C.; Lorentzen, D.A.; Moen, J. I.; Oksavik, K.; Baddeley, L.J.; Lester, M.. 2016 F-region ionosphere effects on the mapping accuracy of SuperDARN HF radar echoes. Radio Science, 51 (5). 490-506. 10.1002/2016RS005957