Items where NERC Author is "Gent, Christopher"
Publication - Article
Hennissen, Jan A.I.; Gent, Christopher M.A.. 2019 Total organic carbon in the Bowland-Hodder Unit of the southern Widmerpool Gulf: a discussion. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 178. 1194-1202. 10.1016/j.petrol.2019.01.097
Fellgett, Mark W.; Kingdon, Andrew ORCID:; Williams, John D.O.; Gent, Christopher M.A..
Stress magnitudes across UK regions: new analysis and legacy data across potentially prospective unconventional resource areas.
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 97.
Williams, J.D.O.; Gent, C.M.A.; Fellgett, M.W.; Gamboa, D.. 2018 Impact of in situ stress and fault reactivation on seal integrity in the East Irish Sea Basin, UK. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 92. 685-696. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.11.030
Monaghan, A.A.; Arsenikos, S.; Quinn, M.F.; Johnson, K.R.; Vincent, C.J.; Vane, C.H. ORCID:; Kim, A.W.; Uguna, C.N.; Hannis, S.D.; Gent, C.M.A.; Millward, D.; Kearsey, T.I.; Williamson, J.P..
Carboniferous petroleum systems around the Mid North Sea High, UK.
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 88.
Publication - Book Section
Pharaoh, T.C.; Gent, C.M.A.; Hannis, S.D.; Kirk, K.L.; Monaghan, A.A.; Quinn, M.F.; Smith, N.J.P.; Vane, C.H. ORCID:; Wakefield, O.; Waters, C.N..
An overlooked play? Structure, stratigraphy and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Carboniferous in the East Irish Sea–North Channel basin complex.
In: Monaghan, A.A., (ed.)
Paleozoic Plays of NW Europe.
London, UK, Geological Society of London, 281-316.
(Geological Society Special Publication, 471).
Publication - Conference Item
Williams, John D.O.; Gent, Christopher M.A.; Fellgett, Mark W.; Kirk, Karen L.. 2017 Assessing carbon dioxide storage integrity of an extensive saline aquifer formation: East Irish Sea Basin, UK. [Lecture] In: TCCS-9, Trondheim, Norway, 12-14 June 2017. (Unpublished)
Gent, Chris M.A.; Williams, John D.O.. 2017 CO2 Storage Potential of the Eocene Tay Sandstone, Central North Sea. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)
Barrio, M.; Stewart, Heather A.; Akhurst, M.; Aagaard, P.; Alcalde, J.; Bauer, A.; Bradwell, T.; Cavanagh, A.; Evans, D.; Faleide, J.; Gent, C.; Haflidason, H.; Haszeldine, S.; Hjelstuen, B.; Johnson, G.; Mondol, N.; Mørk, A.; Mørkved, P.; di Primio, R.; Querendez, E.; Ringrose, P.; Sejrup, H.; Stewart, M.; Uriansrud, F.; Wilkinson, M.. 2015 GlaciStore: understanding Late Cenozoic glaciation and basin processes for the development of secure large scale offshore CO2 storage (North Sea). [Other] In: 8th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage, Trondheim, Norway, 16-18 June 2015.
Williams, John; Gent, Christopher. 2015 Shallow Gas Offshore Netherlands - the role of faulting and implications for CO2 storage. [Poster] In: Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals - Art or Science?, Almeria, Spain, 21-23 Sep 2015. EAGE. (Unpublished)
Publication - Report
Farrant, A.; Schofield, D.; Evans, D.E.; Haslam, R.; Loveless, S.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : Bristol and Gloucester region.
British Geological Survey, 99pp.
Hough, E.; Schofield, D.; Pharaoh, T.; Haslam, R.; Loveless, S.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F..
National geological screening : Central England region.
British Geological Survey, 88pp.
Woods, M.A.; Schofield, D.; Pharaoh, T.; Haslam, R.; Crane, E.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : East Anglia region.
British Geological Survey, 80pp.
Powell, J.; Schofield, D.; Haslam, R.; Pharaoh, T.; Crane, E.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F..
National geological screening : Eastern England region.
British Geological Survey, 91pp.
Ellison, R.; Schofield, D.; Aldiss, D.T.; Haslam, R.; Lewis, M.; O Dochartaigh, B.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : London and the Thames Valley.
British Geological Survey, 82pp.
Waters, C.; Schofield, D.; Evans, D.E.; Millward, D.; Haslam, R.; O Dochartaigh, B.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : Northern England region.
British Geological Survey, 107pp.
Cooper, M.R.; Schofield, D.; Haslam, R.; Wilson, P.; Lewis, M.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Reay, D.M.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : Northern Ireland.
British Geological Survey, 72pp.
Westhead, K.; Holden, A.; Schofield, D.; Haslam, R.; Loveless, S.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : South-West England region.
British Geological Survey, 111pp.
Wilby, P.R.; Schofield, D.; Haslam, R.; Farr, G.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : Wales.
British Geological Survey, 110pp.
Newell, A.; Schofield, D.; Evans, D.E.; Haslam, R.; Lewis, M.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : the Hampshire Basin and adjoining areas.
British Geological Survey, 88pp.
Waters, C.; Schofield, D.; Evans, D.E.; Haslam, R.; Loveless, S.; Butcher, A.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F..
National geological screening : the Pennines and adjacent areas.
British Geological Survey, 91pp.
Aldiss, D.T.; Schofield, D.; Evans, D.E.; Haslam, R.; O Dochartaigh, B.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : the Wealden district.
British Geological Survey, 85pp.
Powell, J.; Schofield, D.; Haslam, R.; Farr, G.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : the Welsh Borderland region.
British Geological Survey, 68pp.
Hannis, S.; Gent, C.. 2017 Petrophysical interpretation of selected wells near Liverpool for the UK Geoenergy Observatories project. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 44pp. (OR/17/037) (Unpublished)
Fellgett, M.W.; Kingdon, A. ORCID:; Williams, J.D.O.; Gent, C.M.A..
State of stress across UK regions.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 60pp.
Gent, C.M.A.. 2016 Maturity modelling of well 110/07b- 6. British Geological Survey, 18pp. (CR/16/043N) (Unpublished)
Monaghan, A.A.; Arsenikos, S.; Callaghan, E.; Ellen, R.; Gent, C.; Greenhalgh, E.; Hannis, S.; Henderson, A.; Leslie, G.; Johnson, K.; Kassyk, M.; Kearsey, T.; Kim, A.; Kimbell, G.; Kirk, K.; Quinn, M.; McLean, W.; Millward, D.; Pharaoh, T.; Sankey, M.; Smith, N.; Uguna, C.; Vane, C. ORCID:; Vincent, C.; Wakefield, O.; Waters, C.; Williamson, P..
Overview of the 21CXRM Palaeozoic Project : a regional petroleum systems analysis of the offshore Carboniferous and Devonian of the UKCS.
British Geological Survey, 24pp.
Pharaoh, T.C.; Smith, N.J.P.; Kirk, K.; Kimbell, G.S.; Gent, C.; Quinn, M.; Monaghan, A.A.. 2016 Palaeozoic petroleum systems of the Irish Sea. British Geological Survey, 135pp. (CR/16/045N) (Unpublished)
Monaghan, A.A.; Arsenikos, S.; Callaghan, E.; Ellen, R.; Gent, C.; Hannis, S.; Henderson, A.; Leslie, G.; Johnson, K.; Kassyk, M.; Kearsey, T.; Kim, A.; Kimbell, G.; Quinn, M.; McLean, W.; Millward, D.; Pharaoh, T.; Sankey, M.; Smith, N.; Uguna, C.; Vane, C. ORCID:; Vincent, C.; Williamson, P..
Palaeozoic petroleum systems of the central North Sea/Mid North Sea High.
British Geological Survey, 92pp.
Gent, C.M.A.. 2015 Total organic carbon calculation using geophysical logs for 31 wells across the Palaeozoic of the Central North Sea. British Geological Survey, 69pp. (CR/15/121N) (Unpublished)
Gent, C.M.A.; Stewart, M.A.; Evans, D.J.; Lamb, R.; Alcalde, J.; Heinemann, N.; Akhurst, M.C.. 2015 A summary of the methodology for the seismic stratigraphic interpretation for the 'GlaciStore' bid to IODP. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 24pp. (OR/15/072) (Unpublished)