Items where NERC Author is "Woolway, Richard"
Publication - Article
Dugan, Hilary A.; Woolway, R. Iestyn; Santoso, Arianto B.; Corman, Jessica R.; Jaimes, Aline; Nodine, Emily R.; Patil, Vijay P.; Zwart, Jacob A.; Brentrup, Jennifer A.; Hetherington, Amy L.; Oliver, Samantha K.; Read, Jordan S.; Winters, Kirsten M.; Hanson, Paul C.; Read, Emily K.; Winslow, Luke A.; Weathers, Kathleen C.. 2016 Consequences of gas flux model choice on the interpretation of metabolic balance across 15 lakes. Inland Waters, 6 (4). 581-592. 10.5268/IW-6.4.836
Winslow, Luke A.; Zwart, Jacob A.; Batt, Ryan D.; Dugan, Hilary A.; Woolway, R. Iestyn; Corman, Jessica R.; Hanson, Paul C.; Read, Jordan S.. 2016 LakeMetabolizer: an R package for estimating lake metabolism from free-water oxygen using diverse statistical models. Inland Waters, 6 (4). 622-636. 10.5268/IW-6.4.883
Woolway, R. Iestyn; Jones, Ian D.; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; French, Jon R.; Livingstone, David M.; Monteith, Donald T.
ORCID:; Simpson, Gavin L.; Thackeray, Stephen J.
ORCID:; Andersen, Mikkel R.; Battarbee, Richard W.; DeGasperi, Curtis L.; Evans, Christopher D.
ORCID:; de Eyto, Elvira; Feuchtmayr, Heidrun; Hamilton, David P.; Kernan, Martin; Krokowski, Jan; Rimmer, Alon; Rose, Kevin C.; Rusak, James A.; Ryves, David B.; Scott, Daniel R.; Shilland, Ewan M.; Smyth, Robyn L.; Staehr, Peter A.; Thomas, Rhian; Waldron, Susan; Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A..
Diel surface temperature range scales with lake size.
PLoS ONE, 11 (3), e0152466.
14, pp.
Woolway, R. Iestyn; Livingstone, David M.; Kernan, Martin. 2015 Altitudinal dependence of a statistically significant diel temperature cycle in Scottish lochs. Inland Waters, 5 (4). 311-316. 10.5268/IW-5.4.854
Woolway, R. Iestyn; Jones, Ian D.; Hamilton, David P.; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Muraoka, Kohji; Read, Jordan S.; Smyth, Robyn L.; Winslow, Luke A..
Automated calculation of surface energy fluxes with high-frequency lake buoy data.
Environmental Modelling & Software, 70.
Read, Emily K.; Patil, Vijay P.; Oliver, Samantha K.; Hetherington, Amy L.; Brentrup, Jennifer A.; Zwart, Jacob A.; Winters, Kirsten M.; Corman, Jessica R.; Nodine, Emily R.; Woolway, R. Iestyn; Dugan, Hilary A.; Jaimes, Aline; Santoso, Arianto B.; Hong, Grace S.; Winslow, Luke A.; Hanson, Paul C.; Weathers, Kathleen C.. 2015 The importance of lake-specific characteristics for water quality across the continental United States. Ecological Applications, 25 (4). 943-955. 10.1890/14-0935.1
Woolway, R. Iestyn; Jones, Ian D.; Feuchtmayr, Heidrun; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:
A comparison of the diel variability in epilimnetic temperature for five lakes in the English Lake District.
Inland Waters, 5 (2).
Woolway, R. Iestyn; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Jones, Ian D.; Feuchtmayr, Heidrun.
A novel method for estimating the onset of thermal stratification in lakes from surface water measurements.
Water Resources Research, 50 (6).