Items where NERC Author is "Vaughan-Hirsch, David"
Publication - Article
Vaughan-Hirsch, David P.; Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.; Hart, Jane K.. 2013 Micromorphological analysis of poly-phase deformation associated with the transport and emplacement of glaciotectonic rafts at West Runton, north Norfolk, UK. Boreas, 42 (2). 376-394. 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2012.00268.x
Hart, Jane K.; Rose, Kathryn C.; Waller, Richard I.; Vaughan-Hirsch, David; Martinez, Kirk. 2011 Assessing the catastrophic break-up of Briksdalsbreen, Norway, associated with rapid climate change. Journal of the Geological Society, 168 (3). 673-688. 10.1144/0016-76492010-024
Publication - Book Section
Lee, Jonathan R.; Phillips, Emrys; Evans, Hannah M.; Vaughan-Hirsch, David. 2011 An introduction to the glacial geology and history of glacitectonic research in Northeast Norfolk. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association, 101-115. (QRA field guides).