Items where NERC Author is "Whiteley, Andrew"

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Number of items: 60.

Cutler, Nick A.; Oliver, Anna E.; Viles, Heather A.; Ahmad, Samin; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2013 The characterisation of eukaryotic microbial communities on sandstone buildings in Belfast, UK, using TRFLP and 454 pyrosequencing. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 82. 124-133. 10.1016/j.ibiod.2013.03.010

Sayer, Emma J.; Wagner, Markus; Oliver, Anna E.; Pywell, Richard F. ORCID:; James, Phillip; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Heard, Matthew S.. 2013 Grassland management influences spatial patterns of soil microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 61. 61-68. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.02.012

Read, Daniel S. ORCID:; Woodcock, Dan J.; Strachan, Norval J.C.; Forbes, Kenneth J.; Colles, Frances M.; Maiden, Martin C.J.; Clifton-Hadley, Felicity; Ridley, Anne; Vidal, Ana; Rodgers, John; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Sheppard, Samuel K.. 2013 Evidence for phenotypic plasticity among multihost Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli lineages, obtained using ribosomal multilocus sequence typing and Raman spectroscopy. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79 (3). 965-973. 10.1128/AEM.02521-12

Summers, Stephen; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Kelly, Laura C.; Cockell, Charles S.. 2013 Land coverage influences the bacterial community composition in the critical zone of a sub-Arctic basaltic environment. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 86 (3). 381-393. 10.1111/1574-6941.12167

Summers, Stephen; Cockell, Charles S.; Thomson, Bruce; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2012 Bacterial necromass as a source of organic carbon at the critical zone? [Poster] In: Goldschmidt 2012, Montreal, Canada, 24-29 Jun 2012. (Unpublished)

Read, Daniel ORCID:; Boden, Rich; Murrell, J. Colin; Whiteley, Andrew. 2012 Insights into microbial functioning using Raman Stable Isotope Probing (R-SIP) at the single cell level. [Poster] In: 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME14), Copenhagen, 19-24 Aug 2012. (Unpublished)

Cutler, Nick A.; Oliver, Anna E.; Viles, Heather A.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2012 Non-destructive sampling of rock-dwelling microbial communities using sterile adhesive tape. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 91 (3). 391-398. 10.1016/j.mimet.2012.09.022

Newbold, Lindsay K. ORCID:; Oliver, Anna E.; Booth, Tim; Tiwari, Bela; DeSantis, Todd; Maguire, Michael; Andersen, Gary; van der Gast, Christopher J.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2012 The response of marine picoplankton to ocean acidification. Environmental Microbiology, 14 (9). 2293-2307. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02762.x

Read, Daniel S. ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2011 Identity and function of single microbial cells within a community by Raman microspectroscopy and related single-cell techniques. In: Sen, Keya; Ashbolt, Nicholas J., (eds.) Environmental Microbiology: Current Technology and Water Applications. Horizon Press, 163-178.

Yilmaz, Pelin; Kottmann, Renzo; Field, Dawn; Knight, Rob; Cole, James R.; Amaral-Zettler, Linda; Gilbert, Jack A.; Karsch-Mizrachi, Ilene; Johnston, Anjanette; Cochrane, Guy; Vaughan, Robert; Hunter, Christopher; Park, Joonhong; Morrison, Norman; Rocca-Serra, Philippe; Sterk, Peter; Arumugam, Manimozhiyan; Bailey, Mark; Baumgartner, Laura; Birren, Bruce W.; Blaser, Martin J.; Bonazzi, Vivien Bonazzi; Booth, Tim; Bork, Peer; Bushman, Frederic D.; Buttigieg, Pier Luigi; Chain, Patrick S.G.; Charlson, Emily; Costello, Elizabeth K.; Huot-Creasy, Heather; Dawyndt, Peter; DeSantis, Todd; Fierer, Noah; Fuhrman, Jed A.; Gallery, Rachel E.; Gevers, Dirk; Gibbs, Richard A.; Gil, Inigo San; Gonzalez, Antonio; Gordon, Jeffrey I.; Guralnick, Robert; Hankeln, Wolfgang; Highlander, Sarah; Hugenholtz, Philip; Jansson, Janet; Kau, Andrew L.; Kelley, Scott T.; Kennedy, Jerry; Knights, Dan; Koren, Omry; Kuczynski, Justin; Kyrpides, Nikos; Larsen, Robert; Lauber, Christian L.; Legg, Teresa; Ley, Ruth E.; Lozupone, Catherine A.; Ludwig, Wolfgang; Lyons, Donna; Maguire, Eamonn; Methé, Barbara A.; Meyer, Folker; Muegge, Brian; Nakielny, Sara; Nelson, Karen E.; Nemergut, Diana; Neufeld, Josh D.; Newbold, Lindsay K. ORCID:; Oliver, Anna E.; Pace, Norman R.; Palanisamy, Giriprakash; Peplies, Jörg; Petrosino, Joseph; Proctor, Lita; Pruesse, Elmar; Quast, Christian; Raes, Jeroen; Ratnasingham, Sujeevan; Ravel, Jacques; Relman, David A.; Assunta-Sansone, Susanna; Schloss, Patrick D.; Schriml, Lynn; Sinha, Rohini; Smith, Michelle I.; Sodergren, Erica; Spor, Aymé; Stombaugh, Jesse; Tiedje, James M.; Ward, Doyle V.; Weinstock, George M.; Wendel, Doug; White, Owen; Whiteley, Andrew; Wilke, Andreas; Wortman, Jennifer R.; Yatsunenko, Tanya; Glöckner, Frank Oliver. 2011 Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications. Nature Biotechnology, 29 (5). 415-420. 10.1038/nbt.1823

Manefield, Mike; Gutierrez-Zamora, Maria-Luisa; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2011 RNA stable isotope probing. In: Murrell, J. Colin; Whiteley, Andrew S., (eds.) Stable isotope probing and related technologies. Washington DC, ASM Press, 25-36.

O’Donnell, Anthony G.; Jenkins, Sasha N.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2011 RNA-radioisotope probing for studying carbon metabolism in soils. In: Murrell, J. Colin; Whiteley, Andrew S., (eds.) Stable isotope probing and related technologies. Washington DC, ASM Press, 317-332.

Read, Daniel ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew. 2011 Raman-Fluorescence in situ Hybridization. In: Murrell, J. Colin; Whiteley, Andrew, (eds.) Stable Isotope Probing and Related Technologies. Washington, USA, ASM Press, 279-294.

Murrell, J. Colin; Whiteley, Andrew S., eds. 2011 Stable isotope probing and related technologies. Washington DC, ASM Press, 345pp.

Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Thomson, Bruce C.; James, Phillip; Bell, Thomas; Bailey, Mark; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2011 The bacterial biogeography of British soils. Environmental Microbiology, 13 (6). 1642-1654. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2011.02480.x

Thomson, Bruce C.; Ostle, Nick; McNamara, Niall ORCID:; Bailey, Mark J.; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID: 2010 Vegetation Affects the Relative Abundances of Dominant Soil Bacterial Taxa and Soil Respiration Rates in an Upland Grassland Soil. Microbial Ecology, 59 (2). 335-343. 10.1007/s00248-009-9575-z

Thomson, Bruce C.; Ostle, Nick J.; McNamara, Niall P. ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID: 2010 Effects of sieving, drying and rewetting upon soil bacterial community structure and respiration rates. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 83. 69-73. 10.1016/j.mimet.2010.07.021

Ciric, Lena; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Philp, James C.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2010 Field scale molecular analysis for the monitoring of bacterial community structures during on site diesel bioremediation. Bioresource Technology, 101. 5235-5241. 10.1016/j.biortech.2010.02.065

Wharfe, Emma S.; Jarvis, Roger M.; Winder, Catherine L.; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Goodacre, Royston. 2010 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy as a metabolite fingerprinting tool for monitoring the phenotypic changes in complex bacterial communities capable of degrading phenol. Environmental Microbiology, 12. 3253-3263. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2010.02300.x

Ciric, Lena; Philp, James C.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2010 Hydrocarbon utilisation within a diesel degrading Bacterial consortium. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 303. 116-122. 10.1111/j.1574-6968.2009.01871.x

Mary, Isabelle; Oliver, Anna; Skipp, Paul; Holland, Ross; Topping, Juliette; Tarran, Glen; Scanlan, David J.; O'Connor, C. David; Whiteley, Andrew S; Burkill, Peter H.; Zubkov, Mikhail. 2010 Metaproteomic and metagenomic analyses of defined oceanic microbial populations using microwave cell fixation and flow cytometric sorting. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 74. 10-18. 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2010.00927.x

Bell, Thomas; Bonsall, Michael B; Buckling, Angus; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Goodall, Timothy; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID: 2010 Protists have divergent effects on bacterial diversity along a productivity gradient. Biology Letters, 6 (5). 639-642. 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0027

Drigo, Barbara; Pijl, Agata S.; Duyts, Henk; Kielak, Anna M.; Gamper, Hannes A.; Houtekamer, Marco J.; Boschker, Henricus T.S.; Bodelier, Paul L.E.; Whiteley, Andrew S.; van Veen, Johannes A.; Kowalchuk, George A.. 2010 Shifting carbon flow from roots into associated microbial communities in response to elevated atmospheric CO2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (24). 10938-10942. 10.1073/pnas.0912421107

Jenkins, Sasha N.; Rushton, Steven P.; Lanyon, Clare V.; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Waite, Ian S.; Brookes, Philip C.; Kemmitt, Sarah; Evershed, Richard P.; O’Donnell, Anthony G.. 2010 Taxon-specific responses of soil bacteria to the addition of low level C inputs. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42. 1624-1631. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2010.06.002

Read, D.S. ORCID:; Huang, W.E.; Whiteley, A.S.. 2009 Raman FISH. In: Timmis, Kenneth. N.; McGenity, Terry; Meer, Jan Roelof van der; Lorenzo, Victor de, (eds.) Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology. Springer, 4027-4038.

Cunliffe, Michael; Salter, Matthew; Mann, Paul J.; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Upstill-Goddard, Robert C.; Murrell, J. Colin. 2009 Dissolved organic carbon and bacterial populations in the gelatinous surface microlayer of a Norwegian fjord mesocosm. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 299 (2). 248-254. 10.1111/j.1574-6968.2009.01751.x

Whiteley, Andrew. 2009 Coupling stable isotopes, nucleic acid detection and whole cell physiology to resolve microbial functions in situ. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13 Supplement 1). A1434-A1434. 10.1016/j.gca.2009.05.027

Maxfield, Pete J.; Dildar, Nadia; Hornibrook, Ed R.C.; Bingham, Liz M.; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Evershed, Richard P.. 2009 The fate of methanotrophically fixed carbon in soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13 Supplement 1). A852 -A852. 10.1016/j.gca.2009.05.011

Huang, Wei E.; Ward, Andrew D.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2009 Raman tweezers sorting of single microbial cells. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 1 (1). 44-49. 10.1111/j.1758-2229.2008.00002.x

Huang, Wei E.; Ferguson, Andrew; Singer, Andrew C. ORCID:; Lawson, Kathryn; Thompson, Ian P.; Kalin, Robert M.; Larkin, Michael J.; Bailey, Mark J.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2009 Resolving Genetic Functions within Microbial Populations: In Situ Analyses Using rRNA and mRNA Stable Isotope Probing Coupled with Single-Cell Raman-Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75 (1). 234-241. 10.1128/AEM.01861-08

Cunliffe, Michael; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Newbold, Lindsay ORCID:; Oliver, Anna; Schafer, Hendrik; Murrell, J. Colin. 2009 Comparison of bacterioneuston and bacterioplankton dynamics during a phytoplankton bloom in a fjord mesocosm. Applied and Environmental Microbiology., 75 (22). 7173-7181. 10.1128/AEM.01374-09

Thomson, Bruce; James, Phillip; Whiteley, Andrew; Bailey, Mark; Griffiths, Robert Iwan ORCID: 2009 UK Soil Bacterial Biodiversity. [Poster] In: 10th International Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (BAGECO 10), Uppsala, Sweden, 15-19 June 2009.

Thomson, Bruce; James, Phillip; Whiteley, Andrew; Bailey, Mark; Griffiths, Robert Iwan ORCID: 2009 UK Soil Bacterial Diversity: A Nationwide Study Examining the Environmental Factors which Determine Bacterial Community Composition. [Other] In: UK Molecular Microbial Ecology Group (MMEG) Meeting, University of Aberdeen, 30 July 2009. (Unpublished)

Huang, Wei E.; Singer, Andrew C. ORCID:; Spiers, Andrew J.; Preston, Gail M.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2008 Characterizing the regulation of the Pu promoter in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1. Environmental Microbiology, 10 (7). 1668-1680. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2008.01583.x

Manefield, Mike; Griffiths, Rob ORCID:; McNamara, Niall P. ORCID:; Sleep, Darren ORCID:; Ostle, Nick; Whiteley, Andrew. 2007 Insights into the fate of a 13C labelled phenol pulse for stable isotope probing (SIP) experiments. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 69 (2). 340-344. 10.1016/j.mimet.2007.01.019

Manefield, Mike; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2007 Acylated homoserine lactones in the environment: chameleons of bioactivity. Phil. Trans Royal Soc. B., 362 (1483). 1235-1240. 10.1098/rstb.2007.2048

Manefield, Mike; Whiteley, Andrew; Curtis, Tom; Watanabe, Kazuya. 2007 Influence of Sustainability and Immigration in Assembling Bacterial Populations of Known Size and Function. Microbial Ecology, 53 (2). 348-354. 10.1007/s00248-006-9167-0

Ferguson, A.S.; Huang, W.E.; Lawson, K.A.; Doherty, R.; Gilbert, O.; Dickson, K.W.; Whiteley, A.S.; Kulakov, L.A.; Thompson, I.P.; Kalin, R.M; Larkin, M.J.. 2007 Microbial analysis of soil and groundwater from a gasworks site and comparison with a sequenced biological reactive barrier remediation process. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 102 (5). 1227-1238. 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2007.03398.x

Whiteley, Andrew S.; Thomson, Bruce; Lueders, Tilman; Manefield, Mike. 2007 RNA Stable-isotope probing. Nature Protocols, 2 (4). 838-844. 10.1038/nprot.2007.115

Huang, Wei E.; Stoecker, Kilian; Griffiths, Robert ORCID:; Newbold, Lindsay ORCID:; Daims, Holger; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Wagner, Michael. 2007 Raman-FISH: combining stable-isotope Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence in situ hybridization for the single cell analysis of identity and function. Environmental Microbiology, 9 (8). 1878-1889. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2007.01352.x

Li, H.; Thompson, I.; Carter, P.; Whiteley, A.; Bailey, M.; Leifert, C.; Killham, K.. 2007 Salivary nitrate – An ecological factor in reducing oral acidity. Oral Microbiology and Immunology, 22 (1). 67-71. 10.1111/j.1399-302X.2007.00313.x

Wagner, M.; Whiteley, A.S.. 2007 Single cell stable isotope probing with FISH-Raman spectroscopy for deciphering the ecophysiology of uncultured bacteria. FEBS Journal, 274 (s1), D1-L2. 13.

Huang, Wei E.; Bailey, Mark J.; Thompson, Ian P.; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Spiers, Andrew J.. 2007 Single-Cell Raman Spectral Profiles of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 Reflects in vitro and in planta Metabolic History. Microbial Ecology, 53 (3). 414-425. 10.1007/s00248-006-9138-5

McNamara, Niall P. ORCID:; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Tabouret, A.; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Bailey, Mark J.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2007 The sensitivity of a forest soil microbial community to acute gamma-irradiation. Applied Soil Ecology, 37. 1-9. 10.1016/j.apsoil.2007.03.011

Timms-Wilson, T. M.; Griffiths, R. I. ORCID:; Whiteley, A. S.; Bailey, M. J.. 2006 Detection of active bacterial populations in soil. In: van Elsas, J. D.; Jansson, J. K.; Trevor, J. T., (eds.) Modern Soil Microbiology, 2nd edition. New York, Marcel Dekker.

Day, John ORCID:; Chaichi, M. J.; Najafil, I.; Whiteley, A.. 2006 Genomic structure of the luciferase gene from the bioluminescent beetle, Nyctophila cf. caucasica. Journal of Insect Science, 6, 37.

Huang, Wei E.; Huang, Linfeng; Preston, Gail M.; Naylor, Martin; Carr, John P.; Li, Yanhong; Singer, Andrew C. ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Wang, Hui. 2006 Quantitative in situ assay of salicylic acid in tobacco leaves using a genetically modified biosensor strain of Acinetobacter sp. ADP1. Plant Journal, 46 (6). 1073-1083. 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2006.02758.x

Manefield, M.; Griffiths, R. I. ORCID:; Bailey, M. J.; Whiteley, A. S.. 2006 Stable isotope probing: A critique of its role in linking phylogeny and function. In: Nannipieri, P.; Smalla, K., (eds.) Nucleic acids and proteins in soils. Springer, 205-216. (Soil Biology, 8).

Whiteley, Andrew S.; Manefield, Mike; Lueders, Tillmann. 2006 Unlocking the 'microbial black box' using RNA-based stable isotope probing technologies. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 17 (1). 67-71. 10.1016/j.copbio.2005.11.002

Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Bailey, Mark J.; McNamara, Niall P. ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2006 The functions and components of the Sourhope soil microbiota. Applied Soil Ecology, 33 (2). 114-126. 10.1016/j.apsoil.2006.03.007

Manefield, Mike; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Leigh, Mary Beth; Fisher, Ray; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2005 Functional and compositional comparison of two activated sludge communities remediating coking effluent. Environmental Microbiology, 7 (5). 715-722. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00746.x

Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Manefield, Mike; Ostle, Nick; McNamara, Niall ORCID:; O'Donnell, Anthony G.; Bailey, Mark J.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2004 (CO2)-C-13 pulse labelling of plants in tandem with stable isotope probing: methodological considerations for examining microbial function in the rhizosphere. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 58 (1). 119-129. 10.1016/j.mimet.2004.03.011

Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Manefield, Mike; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Bailey, Mark J.. 2004 DNA and RNA extraction from soil. In: Kowalchuk, G.A.; Brujn, F.J. de; Head, I.M.; Akkermans, A.D.; van Elsas, J.D., (eds.) Molecular Microbial Ecology Manual [2nd edition]. Kluwer Academic, 149-158.

Huang, Wei E.; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Thompson, Ian P.; Bailey, Mark J.; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2004 Raman microscopic analysis of single microbial cells. Analytical Chemistry, 76 (15). 4452-4458. 10.1021/ac049753k

Whiteley, Andrew S.; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Bailey, Mark J.. 2003 Analysis of the microbial functional diversity within water-stressed soil communities by flow cytometric analysis and CTC+ cell sorting. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 54 (2). 257-267. 10.1016/S0167-7012(03)00066-6

Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew S.; O'Donnell, Anthony G.; Bailey, Mark J.. 2003 Influence of depth and sampling time on bacterial community structure in an upland grassland soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 43 (1). 35-43. 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2003.tb01043.x

Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew S.; O'Donnell, Anthony G.; Bailey, Mark J.. 2003 Physiological and community responses of established grassland bacterial populations to water stress. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69 (12). 6961-6968. 10.1128/AEM.69.12.6961-6968.2003

Thompson, Ian; Singer, Andrew ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew; Lilley, Andrew; Bailey, Mark; Paremain, Emily; Harper, Fran; Johnson, Andrew ORCID:; Llewellyn, Neville; Pickup, Roger; Mallinson, Helen. 2002 Investigating the intrinsic ability of microbial communities to degrade organic pollutants in groundwaters. Final Report. NERC CEH. (CEH Integrating Fund) (Unpublished)

Manefield, Mike; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Bailey, Mark J.. 2002 RNA stable isotope probing, a novel means of linking microbial community function to Phylogeny. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68 (11). 5367-5373. 10.1128/AEM.68.11.5367-5373.2002

Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew S.; O'Donnell, Anthony G.; Bailey, Mark J.. 2000 Rapid method for coextraction of DNA and RNA from natural environments for analysis of ribosomal DNA- and rRNA-based microbial community composition. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66 (12). 5488-5491.

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