Items where NERC Author is "Leeks, Graham"
Publication - Article
Heuser, Kay; Leeks, Graham; Tindall, Isabella. 2014 The outcomes and results of the Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme. InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact, 7 (1). 132-144.
Neal, Colin; Bowes, Michael ORCID:; Jarvie, Helen P.
ORCID:; Scholefield, Paul
ORCID:; Leeks, Graham; Neal, Margaret; Rowland, Philip; Wickham, Heather; Harman, Sarah; Armstrong, Linda; Sleep, Darren
ORCID:; Lawlor, Alan; Davies, Cynthia E..
Lowland river water quality: a new UK data resource for process and environmental management analysis.
Hydrological Processes, 26 (6).
Bateman, I.; Brouwer, R.; Davies, H.; Day, B. H.; Deflandre-Vlandas, A.; Di Falco, S.; Georgiou, S.; Hadley, D.; Hutchins, M. ORCID:; Jones, A. P.; Kay, D.; Leeks, G.; Lewis, M.; Lovett, A. A.; Neal, C.; Posen, P.; Rigby, D.; Turner, R. K..
Analysing the agricultural costs and non-market benefits of implementing the Water Framework Directive.
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 57.
Walling, D. E.; Collins, A. L.; Jones, P. A.; Leeks, G. J. L.; Old, G. ORCID:
Establishing fine-grained sediment budgets for the Pang and Lambourn LOCAR catchments, UK.
Journal of Hydrology, 330.
Leeks, G. J. L.; Jones, T. P.; Hollingworth, N. T.. 2006 Forward: An introduction to UK research on the urban environment. Science of the Total Environment, 360 (1-3). 1-4. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.08.024
Old, Gareth h. ORCID:; Leeks, Graham J. L.; Packman, John C.; Smith, Barnaby P.G.; Lewis, Scott; Hewitt, Edward J..
River flow and associated transport of sediments and solutes through a highly urbanised catchment: Bradford, West Yorkshire.
Science of the Total Environment, 360.
Neal, Colin; Neal, Margaret; Leeks, Graham J. L.; Old, Gareth ORCID:; Hill, Linda; Wickham, Heather.
Suspended sediment and particulate phosphorus in surface waters of the upper Thames Basin, UK.
Journal of Hydrology, 330.
Culshaw, M. G.; Nathanail, C. P.; Leeks, G. J. L.; Alker, S.; Bridge, D.; Duffy, T.; Fowler, D.; Packman, J. C.; Swetnam, R.; Wadsworth, R.; Wyatt, B.. 2006 The role of web-based environmental information in urban planning - the environmental information system for planners. Science of the Total Environment, 360. 233-245. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.08.037
Neal, C.; Leeks, G.J.L.; Millward, G.; Harris, J.; Huthnance, J. ORCID:; Rees, John G..
Land-ocean interaction: processes, functioning and environmental management: a UK perspective.
The Science of the Total Environment, 314-316.
Neal, C.; Leeks, G.J.L.; Millward, G.E.; Harris, J.R.W.; Huthnance, J.M. ORCID:; Rees, John G..
Land–ocean interaction: processes, functioning and environmental management from a UK perspective: an introduction.
The Science of the Total Environment, 314-316.
Leeks, G.J.L.; Marks, S.D.. 1997 Dynamics of river sediments in forested headwater streams: Plynlimon. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 483-497.
Collins, A.L.; Walling, D.E.; Leeks, G.J.L.. 1997 Sediment sources in the Upper Severn catchment: a fingerprinting approach. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 509-521.
Publication - Book
Leeks, G. J. L.; Jones, T. P.; Hollingworth, N. T., eds. 2006 Urban Environmental Research in the UK: The Urban Regeneration and the Environment (NERC URGENT) Programme and associated studies. Elsevier, 330pp. (Science of the Total Environment, 360).
Publication - Book Section
Rodda, John C.; Robinson, Mark; McCulloch, Jim; McCulloch, Christine; Jenkins, Alan; Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Kirby, Celia; Littlewood, Ian; Beran, Max; Leeks, Graham.
Introduction [Progress in modern hydrology: past, present and future].
In: Rodda, John C.; Robinson, Mark, (eds.)
Progress in modern hydrology: past, present and future.
Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 1-22.
Rodda, John C.; Robinson, Mark; Jenkins, Alan; Beven, Keith; Beran, Max; Leeks, Graham. 2015 Looking towards the future. In: Rodda, John C.; Robinson, Mark, (eds.) Progress in modern hydrology: past, present and future. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 366-377.
Walling, D.E.; Owens, P.N.; Leeks, G.J.L.. 1997 Floodplain sedimentation in the RACS river basins. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 76-77. (LOIS Publication no.323).
Leeks, G.J.L.. 1997 An overview of progress in LOIS river basins. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 39-40. (LOIS Publication no.323).
Leeks, G. J. L.; Roberts, G.. 1987 The effects of forestry on upland streams - with special reference to water quality and sediment transport. In: Good, J. E. G., (ed.) Environmental Aspects of Plantation Forestry in Wales. Grange-over-Sands, NERC/ITE, 9-24. (ITE Symposium, 22).
Publication - Report
Heuser, Kay; Tindall, C. Isabella; Leeks, Graham; Runnalls, Neil. 2014 Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme sixth interim report to NERC, Aug-Nov 2013. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project no. C04428) (Unpublished)
Tindall, C. Isabella; Runnalls, Neil; Leeks, Graham; Heuser, Kay. 2013 Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme - Fifth Interim Report 1 April-31 July 2013. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project no: C04428) (Unpublished)
Tindall, C. Isabella; Runnalls, Neil; Leeks, Graham; Heuser, Kay. 2013 Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme Second Annual Report April 2012-March 2013. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 15pp. (CEH Project no: C04428) (Unpublished)
Tindall, C. Isabella; Runnalls, Neil; Leeks, Graham; Heuser, Kay. 2013 Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme - Fourth Interim Report 1 August - 30 November 2012. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (Project no: C04428) (Unpublished)
Tindall, C. Isabella; Runnalls, Neil; Leeks, Graham; Heuser, Kay. 2012 Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme - Third Interim Report 1 April - 31 July 2012. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 5pp. (CEH Project no: C04428) (Unpublished)
Woodward, Peter. 2012 Specific Priority Subject 2.2 Summary Report - Improving drought prediction, communication and impact assessment. NERC - Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 11pp. (CEH project no: C04428, WSKEP 10S)
Woodward, Peter. 2012 Specific Priority Subject 2.4 Summary Report - Supporting sustainable and resilient management of extreme rainfall. NERC - Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 13pp. (CEH Project no: C04428, WSKEP 09S)
Woodward, Peter. 2012 Specific Priority Subject 1.3 Summary Report - Linking natural networks and communities across rural and urban systems. NERC - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. (CEH project no: C04428, WSKEP 08S)
Woodward, Peter. 2012 Specific Priority Subject 3.1 Summary Report - Assessing the value of water. NERC - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. (CEH project no: C04428, WSKEP 07S)
Tindall, C Isabella; Runnall, Neil; Leeks, Graham; Heuser, Kay. 2012 Water Security Knowledge Exchange First Annual Report April 2011-March 2012. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project no: C04428) (Unpublished)
Woodward, Peter. 2012 Specific Priority Subject 2.1 Summary Report - Improving flood prediction, communication and impact assessment. NERC - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. (CEH project no: C04428, WSKEP 05S)
Woodward, Peter. 2012 Specific Priority Subject 2.3 Summary Report - Supporting sustainable and resilient management of droughts. NERC - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. (CEH project no: C04428, WSKEP 06S)
Woodward, Peter. 2012 Specific Priority Subject 3.2 Summary Report - Assessing water-related business risks. NERC - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. (CEH project no: C04428, WSKEP 04S)
Tindall, C. Isabella; Runnalls, Neil; Leeks, Graham; Heuser, Kay. 2012 Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme - Second Interim Report 1 August - 30 November 2011. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 5pp. (CEH Project no: C04428) (Unpublished)
Woodward, Peter. 2012 Specific Priority Subject 1.2 Summary Report - Understanding and managing the impacts of climate change on the ecology of catchments. NERC - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. (CEH project no: C04428, WSKEP 03S)
Woodward, Peter. 2012 Specific Priority Subject 3.3 Summary Report - Informing decision making for water resources management. NERC - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. (CEH project no: C04428, WSKEP 02S)
Woodward, Peter. 2011 Specific Priority Subject 1.1 Summary Report - Assessing upstream methods of land/water management that improve water quality and quantity. NERC - Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 11pp. (CEH project no: C04428, WSKEP 01S)
Tindall, C. Isabella; Runnalls, Neil; Leeks, Graham; Heuser, Kay. 2011 Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme - First Interim Report 1 April - 31 July 2011. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project no: C04428) (Unpublished)
Osborn, D.; Leeks, G. J. L.; Thompson, N.; Ball, L.; Rickards, L.; Bradley, I.; Vickery, J.. 2006 Inventory and assessment of natural resources. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 77pp. (CEH: Project Report Number C02918, Defra Project Code: NR0101) (Unpublished)
Leeks, G.; Marsh, T. ORCID:; Littlewood, I.; Reynolds, B.; Wilkinson, J.; Tipping, E.
ORCID:; Neal, C.; Stevens, P.; Crane, S.; Lofts, S.
ORCID:; Baker, D.L.; Hughes, S.; Cooper, D.
Post-drought flush effects upon river water quality and sediment transport in upland and lowland catchments.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 137pp.
(Environment Agency R&D Technical Report P77)