Items where NERC Author is "Longhurst, Ian"
Farrant, A.; Schofield, D.; Evans, D.E.; Haslam, R.; Loveless, S.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : Bristol and Gloucester region.
British Geological Survey, 99pp.
Hough, E.; Schofield, D.; Pharaoh, T.; Haslam, R.; Loveless, S.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F..
National geological screening : Central England region.
British Geological Survey, 88pp.
Woods, M.A.; Schofield, D.; Pharaoh, T.; Haslam, R.; Crane, E.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : East Anglia region.
British Geological Survey, 80pp.
Powell, J.; Schofield, D.; Haslam, R.; Pharaoh, T.; Crane, E.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F..
National geological screening : Eastern England region.
British Geological Survey, 91pp.
Ellison, R.; Schofield, D.; Aldiss, D.T.; Haslam, R.; Lewis, M.; O Dochartaigh, B.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : London and the Thames Valley.
British Geological Survey, 82pp.
Waters, C.; Schofield, D.; Evans, D.E.; Millward, D.; Haslam, R.; O Dochartaigh, B.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : Northern England region.
British Geological Survey, 107pp.
Cooper, M.R.; Schofield, D.; Haslam, R.; Wilson, P.; Lewis, M.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Reay, D.M.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : Northern Ireland.
British Geological Survey, 72pp.
Westhead, K.; Holden, A.; Schofield, D.; Haslam, R.; Loveless, S.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : South-West England region.
British Geological Survey, 111pp.
Wilby, P.R.; Schofield, D.; Haslam, R.; Farr, G.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : Wales.
British Geological Survey, 110pp.
Newell, A.; Schofield, D.; Evans, D.E.; Haslam, R.; Lewis, M.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : the Hampshire Basin and adjoining areas.
British Geological Survey, 88pp.
Waters, C.; Schofield, D.; Evans, D.E.; Haslam, R.; Loveless, S.; Butcher, A.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F..
National geological screening : the Pennines and adjacent areas.
British Geological Survey, 91pp.
Aldiss, D.T.; Schofield, D.; Evans, D.E.; Haslam, R.; O Dochartaigh, B.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : the Wealden district.
British Geological Survey, 85pp.
Powell, J.; Schofield, D.; Haslam, R.; Farr, G.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Lee, J.R.; Baptie, B.; Shaw, R.P.; Bide, T.; McEvoy, F.M..
National geological screening : the Welsh Borderland region.
British Geological Survey, 68pp.
Cartwright, Clive; Lee, Kathryn; Linley, Kathrine; Mee, Katy; Holbrook, Henry; Longhurst, Ian; Gow, Hannah; Jenkins, Gareth. 2017 BGS GeoSure 5 km Hex Grids. [Poster] In: BGS Science Festival 2017, Nottingham, UK, 7- 8 Dec 2017. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)
Pitfield, P.E.J.; Brown, T.J.; Idoine, N.E.. 2010 Mineral information and statistics for the BRIC countries 1999-2008. Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 119pp. (Unpublished)