Items where NERC Author is "Ingleby, Kevin"
Publication - Article
Gordien, Andrea Y.; Gray, Alexander I.; Ingleby, Kevin; Franzblau, Scott G.; Seidel, Veronique. 2010 Activity of Scottish Plant, Lichen and Fungal Endophyte Extracts against Mycobacterium aurum and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Phytotherapy Research, 24 (5). 692-698. 10.1002/ptr.2988
Sheppard, Lucy J.; Crossley, Alan; Ingleby, Kevin; Woods, Clive. 2008 Implications of acidified S inputs on the fate and consequences of N deposition: results from a field manipulation of a Sitka spruce canopy in Southern Scotland. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 65 (3). 411-432. 10.1080/00207230701862553
Ingleby, K.; Wilson, J. ORCID:; Munro, R.C.; Cavers, S.
Mycorrhizas in agroforestry: spread and sharing of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi between trees and crops: complementary use of molecular and microscopic approaches.
Plant and Soil, 294 (1-2).
Carfrae, J. A.; Skene, K. R.; Sheppard, L. J.; Ingleby, K.; Crossley, A.. 2006 Effects of nitrogen with and without acidified sulphur on an ectomycorrhizal community in a Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Bong. Carr) forest. Environmental Pollution, 141 (1). 131-138. 10.1016/j.envpol.2005.08.020
Deans, J.D.; Edmunds, W.M.; Lindley, D.K.; Gaye, C.B.; Dreyfus, B.; Nizinski, J.J.; Neyra, M.; Ingleby, K.; Munro, R.C.. 2005 Nitrogen in interstitial waters in the Sahel : natural baseline, pollutant or resource? Plant and Soil, 271 (1-2). 47-62. 10.1007/s11104-004-1994-5
Lesueur, Didier; Ingleby, Kevin; Odee, David; Chamberlain, Joanne; Wilson, Julia ORCID:; Tiki Manga, Theophile; Sarrailh, Jean-Michel; Pottinger, Alan.
Improvement of forage production in Calliandra calothyrsus: methodology for the identification of an effective inoculum containing Rhizobium strains and arbuscular mycorrhizal isolates.
Journal of Biotechnology, 91 (2-3).
Ingleby, K.; Fahmer, A.; Wilson, J. ORCID:; Newton, A.C.; Mason, P.A.; Smith, R..
Interactions between mycorrhizal colonisation, nodulation and growth of Calliandra calothyrsus seedlings supplied with different concentrations of phosphorous solution.
Symbiosis, 30.
Mason, Philip A.; Ingleby, Kevin; Munro, Robert C.; Wilson, Julia ORCID:; Ibrahim, Kamal.
Interactions of nitrogen and phosphorus on mycorrhizal development and shoot growth of Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) seedlings inoculated with two different mycorrhizal fungi.
Forest Ecology and Management, 128 (3).
Mason, Philip A.; Ibrahim, Kamal; Ingleby, Kevin; Munro, Robert C.; Wilson, Julia ORCID:
Mycorrhizal development and growth of inoculated Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) seedlings in wet and dry conditions in the glasshouse.
Forest Ecology and Management, 128 (3).
Mason, Philip A.; Ingleby, Kevin; Munro, Robert C.; Wilson, Julia ORCID:; Ibrahim, Kamal.
The effect of reduced phosphorus concentration on mycorrhizal development and growth of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. seedlings inoculated with 10 different fungi.
Forest Ecology and Management, 128 (1).
Publication - Book
Elger, Kirsten; Opel, Thomas; Topp-Jørgensen, Elmer; Rasch, Morten, eds. 2012 INTERACT Station Catalogue. Denmark, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University, 192pp.
Ingleby, K.; Mason, P. A.; Last, F. T.; Fleming, L. V.. 1990 Identification of ectomycorrhizas. London, HMSO, 112pp. (ITE research publication, no.5).
Publication - Report
Cavers, Stephen ORCID:; Wilson, Julia
ORCID:; Dick, Janet
ORCID:; Ingleby, Kevin; Munro, Robert.
Bridging restoration and multi-functionality in degraded forest landscapes of Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean islands. Third Reporting Period of FOREAIM. Scientific Report. Partner 3 - CEH. Report on activities. Third reporting period: 1st June 2007 - 31st May 2008.
NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 113pp.
(CEH Project Number: C02854)
Wilson, J. ORCID:; Ingleby, K.; Munro, R.C.; Sidibe, D.; Traore, K.; Kone, B.; Yattara, I.I.; Cisse, Y.; Kante, F.; Guindo, S.; Samake, B.; Bathily, H.; Traore, M.; Dianda, M; Bayala, J.; Sanon, K.; Ouedraogo, S.J.; Atta, S.; Alzouma, Z.M.; Ibro, G.; Ibrahim, M.D.; Laouali, M.S.; Saadou, M.; Krasova-Wade, T.; Neyra, M.; Bouroulet, F..
Utilisation of wastewater for fuel and fodder production and environmental and social benefits in semi-arid, peri-urban zones of sub-Saharan Africa. Fifth Annual Report: 1/12/2006 – 30/11/2007.
NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 46pp.
(CEH Project Number: C02085)
Wilson, J. ORCID:; Ingleby, K.; Munro, R.C.; Sidibe, D.; Traore, K.; Kone, B.; Yattara, I.I.; Cisse, Y.; Kante, F.; Samake, B.; Bathily, H.; Dianda, M.; Bayala, J.; Sanon, K.; Atta, S.; Zoubeirou, Z.M.; Ibro, G.; Laouali, M.; Ibrahim, M.D.; Mahamane, S.; Krasova-Wade, T.; Neyra, M..
Utilisation of wastewater for fuel and fodder production and environmental and social benefits in semi-arid, peri-urban zones of sub-Saharan Africa. Final Report 1/12/2002 - 30/11/2007 Contract number ICA4-CT-2002-10017.
NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 90pp.
(CEH Project Number: C02085)
Cavers, Stephen ORCID:; Wilson, Julia
ORCID:; Dick, Jan
ORCID:; Ingleby, Kevin; Munro, Robert.
Bridging restoration and multi-functionality in degraded forest landscapes of Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean islands. FOREAIM. Partner 3 - CEH. Report on activities. Second reporting period: 1st June 2006 - 31st May 2007.
NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 18pp.
(CEH Project Number: C02854)
Wilson, J. ORCID:; Ingleby, K.; Munro, R.C.; Sidibe, D.; Traore, K.; Kone, B.; Yattara, I.I.; Cisse, Y.; Kante, F.; Samake, B.; Bathily, H.; Dianda, M.; Bayala, J.; Sanon, K.; Atta, S.; Alzouma, Z.M.; Ibro, G.; Laouali, M.S.; Ibrahim, M.D.; Saadou, M.; Krasova-Wade, T.; Neyra, M.; Bouroulet, F..
Utilisation of wastewater for fuel and fodder production and environmental and social benefits in semi-arid, peri-urban zones of sub-Saharan Africa. Fourth Annual Report: 1/12/2005 - 30/11/2006.
Edinburgh, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Ingleby, K.; Wilson, J. ORCID:; Munro, R. C.; Cavers, S.
Symbionts in agroforestry systems: What are the long-term impacts of inoculation on growth of Calliandra calothyrsus and its intercrops? Final Report December 2002-December 2006.
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 9pp.
(CEH: Project Report Number C01932)
Wilson, J. ORCID:; Dick, J.
ORCID:; Hall, N. M.; Ingleby, K..
Interim Report to Desert Margins Programme Evaluation Committee. Progress update during Phase II.
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH: Project Report Number C03072)
Cavers, S. ORCID:; Dick, J.
ORCID:; Ingleby, K.; Wilson, J.
FOREAIM: Bridging restoration and multi-functionality in degraded forest landscape of Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean Islands. First reporting period: activity report.
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 38pp.
(CEH Project Number: C02854)
Ingleby, K.; Dick, J. ORCID:
Influence of land management on mycorrhizal inoculum potential in South African soils.
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 6pp.
(CEH Technical Report A. Desert Margins Programme Phase II, CEH Project Number: C03072)
Ingleby, K.; Munro, R.C.; Wilson, J. ORCID:; Sidibe, D.; Traore, K.; Kone, B.; Yattara, I.I.; Cisse, Y.; Cisse, D.; Lahbib, M.; Kante, F.; Maiga, M.S.; Guindo, S.; Samake, B.; Bathily, H.; Dianda, M.; Sanon, K.; Bayala, J.; Atta, S.; Alzouma, Z.M.; Ibro, G.; Ibrahim, M.D.; Laouali, M.S.; Saadou, M.; Krasova-Wade, T.; Neyra, M..
Utilisation of wastewater for fuel and fodder production and environmental and social benefits in semi-arid, peri-urban zones of sub-Saharan Africa. Third Annual Report: 1/12/2004 - 30/11/2005.
Edinburgh, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 99pp.
Ingleby, K.; Munro, R.C.; Wilson, J. ORCID:; Decorde, A.L.; Sidibe, D.; Yossi, H.; Traore, K.; Diassana, B.; Kone, B.; Yattara, I.I.; Cisse, D.; Lahbib, M.; Kante, F.; Maiga, M.S.; Akly, M.A.G.; Bathily, H.; Kamate, M.A.; Cisse, Y.; Hamaty, E.A.G.; Diand, M.; Sanon, K.; Bayala, J.; Atta, S.; Alzouma, Z.M.; Ibro, G.; Ibrahim, M.D.; Laouali, M.S.; Saadou, M.; Krasova-Wade, T.; Neyra, M.; Lesueur, D.; Bouroulet, F.; Cadillon, M..
Utilisation of wastewater for fuel and fodder production and environmental and social benefits in semi-arid, peri-urban zones of sub-Saharan Africa. Second Annual Report: 1/12/2003 - 30/11/2004.
Edinburgh, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 91pp.
Thomas, P.; Luu, N.D.T.; Gardner, M.; Dick, J. ORCID:; Ingleby, K.; Canh, N.D.; Thanh, V.T.X..
Preservation, rehabilitation and utilisation of Vietnamese montane forests.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
(CEH Project no. C01741)
Sheppard, L.J.; Crossley, A.; Ingleby, K.; Cape, J.N.; Blackhall, T.; Fowler, D.; Kennedy, V.. 2003 The effects of polluted cloud water on a Sitka spruce plantation (Deepsyke). Phase II: potential for recovery. Interim Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project Number: C01837) (Unpublished)
Sprent, J.I.; Odee, D.W.; Mason, P.A.; Ingleby, K.; Munro, R.C.. 1991 The application of soil micro-organisms for tree and crop improvement: ITE (AMSAL)/ICRAF Workshop March 4th - 10th 1991. ITE. (ITE Project T01060g1) (Unpublished)