Atlas of Tides, North West European Shelf. Volume II: Tide and surge. 4th October 2024. NOC Internal Report No. 28

Williams, Joanne ORCID:; O'Neill, Clare. 2024 Atlas of Tides, North West European Shelf. Volume II: Tide and surge. 4th October 2024. NOC Internal Report No. 28. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 136pp. (National Oceanography Centre Internal Document, No. 28)

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This Atlas contains co-phasal maps of tidal constituents’ amplitudes and phases, and summary statistics for the NEMO surge model. They are derived from the AMM7 regional (North West European Shelf) ERA5-forced hindcast run of the NEMO surge and tide model. The hindcast was run by Clare O’Neill at the Met Office on behalf of NOC as part of the EA-funded project on radiational tides. All postprocessing to derive tides has been done by Joanne Williams, NOC.

Item Type: Publication - Report
Date made live: 17 Oct 2024 11:23 +0 (UTC)

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