GEOSYNTH : a synthesis of the geology and sediments of the Dover Strait and its hinterland / GEOSYNTH : synthèse géologique et sédimentologique du Pas de Calais et de ses environs

James, J.W.C.; Guennoc, P.; Harrison, M.; Le Bot, S.; Philpott, S.; Vinchon, C.; Bee, E.; Simien, F.; Janjou, D.; Garlan, T.; Trentesaux, A.; Mahieux, G.; Briet, D.; Augris, C.. 2002 GEOSYNTH : a synthesis of the geology and sediments of the Dover Strait and its hinterland / GEOSYNTH : synthèse géologique et sédimentologique du Pas de Calais et de ses environs. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 50pp. (CR/02/078N) (Unpublished)

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The GEOSYNTH project provides, through the medium of a CD-ROM, a bi-lingual synthesis in GIS and multimedia format of the geology and sedimentology of the Dover Strait and its coastal limits. This report only exhibits the form of the maps and accompanying text from the extensive dataset held in the CD-ROM. Environmental pressures from factors such as sea level rise, climate change, marine aggregate extraction, fisheries and tourism, both now and in the future require an understanding of the of the geology and sediments of the Dover Strait and its coastal hinterland. Significant geological data exist from scientific research, regional, environmental and resource surveys and engineering work within the project area. Collating, interpreting and synthesising available geological data into an integrated themed format has been the principal aim of the GEOSYNTH project. The area covered by the project includes the coasts of Kent and Nord – Pas de Calais and the offshore area between these two regions including the Dover Strait and the Thames Estuary.

Item Type: Publication - Report
Programmes: BGS Programmes > Other
Funders/Sponsors: British Geological Survey, Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), Kent County Council, Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine, Unversité de Lille, Unversité d’Amiens, IFREMER
Additional Information. Not used in RCUK Gateway to Research.: In French and English. This item has been internally reviewed, but not externally peer-reviewed.
Date made live: 01 Oct 2024 13:31 +0 (UTC)

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