Scaling up ocean conservation through recognition of key biodiversity areas in the Southern Ocean from multispecies tracking data

Becker, Sarah L.; Boyd, Charlotte; Handley, Jonathan M.; Raymond, Ben; Reisinger, Ryan; Ropert‐Coudert, Yan; Apelgren, Nora; Davies, Tammy E.; Lea, Mary‐Anne; Santos, Mercedes; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID:; Van de Putte, Anton P.; Huckstadt, Luis A.; Charrassin, Jean‐Benoit; Brooks, Cassandra M.. 2024 Scaling up ocean conservation through recognition of key biodiversity areas in the Southern Ocean from multispecies tracking data. Conservation Biology, e14345. 16, pp.

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Biodiversity is critical for maintaining ecosystem function but is threatened by increasing anthropogenic pressures. In the Southern Ocean, a highly biologically productive region containing many endemic species, proactive management is urgently needed to mitigate increasing pressures from fishing, climate change, and tourism. Site-based conservation is one important tool for managing the negative impacts of human activities on ecosystems. The Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) Standard is a standardized framework used to define sites vital for the persistence of global biodiversity based on criteria and quantitative thresholds. We used tracking data from 14 species of Antarctic and subantarctic seabirds and pinnipeds from the publicly available Retrospective Analysis of Antarctic Tracking Data (RAATD) data set to define KBAs for a diverse suite of marine predators. We used track2kba, an R package that supports identification of KBAs from telemetry data through identification of highly used habitat areas and estimates of local abundance within sites. We compared abundance estimates at each site with thresholds for KBA criteria A1, B1, and D1 (related to globally threatened species, individual geographically restricted species, and demographic aggregations, respectively). We identified 30 potential KBAs for 13 species distributed throughout the Southern Ocean that were vital for each individual species, population, and life-history stage for which they were determined. These areas were identified as highly used by these populations based on observational data and complement the ongoing habitat modeling and bioregionalization work that has been used to prioritize conservation areas in this region. Although further work is needed to identify potential KBAs based on additional current and future data sets, we highlight the benefits of utilizing KBAs as part of a holistic approach to marine conservation, given their significant value as a global conservation tool.

Item Type: Publication - Article
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
ISSN: 0888-8892
Additional Keywords: key biodiversity areas, marine predators, site-based conservation, Southern Ocean, tracking data, áreas importantes de biodiversidad, conservación basada en el sitio, datos de rastreo, depredadores marinos, Océano Antártico
Date made live: 15 Aug 2024 14:59 +0 (UTC)

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