Future predictions of water scarcity in Scotland: impact on distilleries and agricultural abstractors: project summary

Glendell, Miriam; Blackstock, Kirsty; Adams, Kerr; Brickell, Jack; Comte, Jean-Christophe; Gagkas, Zisis; Geris, Josie; Haro, David; Jabloun, Mohamed; Karley, Alison; Macleod, Kit; Naha, Shaini; Paterson, Eleanor; Rivington, Mike; Thompson, Chloe; Upton, Kirsty; Wilkinson, Mark; Williams, Kirsten. 2024 Future predictions of water scarcity in Scotland: impact on distilleries and agricultural abstractors: project summary. Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW), 2pp.

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Item Type: Publication - Report
Funders/Sponsors: Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW), James Hutton Institute, British Geological Survey, University of Aberdeen, Scotland's Rural College, The Scottish Government
Additional Information. Not used in RCUK Gateway to Research.: Report added to NORA with permission from CREW.
Date made live: 18 Jul 2024 09:39 +0 (UTC)

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