Rainfall and temperature effects on fruit body production by stipitate hydnoid fungi in Inverey Wood, Scotland

Jarvis, Susan G. ORCID:; Holden, Elizabeth M.; Taylor, Andy F.S.. 2017 Rainfall and temperature effects on fruit body production by stipitate hydnoid fungi in Inverey Wood, Scotland. Fungal Ecology, 27 (A). 137-140.

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Stipitate hydnoid fungi are considered to be rare in the United Kingdom based on infrequent and localised observations of fruit bodies. Here, we investigate whether the production of stipitate hydnoid fruit bodies is related to weather conditions using a 14 year standardised survey of 11 species associated with Scots pine. Fruit body production was highly variable over time and asynchronous between species. Relationships with climatic predictors were variable between species, however both overall abundance and species richness of stipitate hydnoid fruit bodies were related to rainfall. These results suggest that climatic conditions in the preceding months can influence the likelihood of observing stipitate hydnoid fruit bodies, but that a large part of variation in fruiting of these taxa remains unexplained.

Item Type: Publication - Article
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
UKCEH and CEH Sections/Science Areas: Parr
ISSN: 1754-5048
Additional Keywords: BAP species, climate change, conservation, mushrooms, Pinus sylvestris, sporocarps, tooth fungi
NORA Subject Terms: Ecology and Environment
Biology and Microbiology
Date made live: 20 Apr 2017 13:07 +0 (UTC)

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