Variation in marsh tit recruitment and survival creates gender imbalance

Broughton, Richard K. ORCID:; Hinsley, Shelley A.. 2013 Variation in marsh tit recruitment and survival creates gender imbalance. [Poster] In: 9th Conference of the European Ornithologists' Union (EOU2013UK), Norwich, 27-31 Aug 2013. (Unpublished)

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Our population of 18-31 Marsh Tit territories in eastern England had a gender imbalance in every spring. Up to 28% of potential breeding territories (mean 10%, minimum 3%) were occupied by lone males only, reducing potential productivity. Adult annual survival was similar for both sexes, but most females disappeared during spring. Juvenile settling and survival tended towards a male bias, but female-biased spring immigration was too little to balance the breeding population. This schematic shows how variation in mortality and recruitment at key stages of the annual cycle creates this gender imbalance.

Item Type: Publication - Conference Item (Poster)
Programmes: CEH Topics & Objectives 2009 - 2012 > Biodiversity > BD Topic 1 - Observations, Patterns, and Predictions for Biodiversity
UKCEH and CEH Sections/Science Areas: Pywell
NORA Subject Terms: Ecology and Environment
Date made live: 07 Jan 2014 16:43 +0 (UTC)

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