User's manual for ZETUP, the set up program for the groundwater flow model ZOOMQ3D

Jackson, C.R.; Spink, A.E.F.. 2004 User's manual for ZETUP, the set up program for the groundwater flow model ZOOMQ3D. British Geological Survey, 44pp. (IR/04/139) (Unpublished)

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ZETUP is the pre-processor for the finite difference groundwater flow model ZOOMQ3D. It is used to construct the model grid, which may contain multiple areas of local grid refinement, and to create rivers within these complex meshes. ZETUP produces the input files required by ZOOMQ3D that define the structure of the model mesh and the structure of rivers (Table 1). It also produces templates of all of the other files required by ZOOMQ3D (Table 2) in the correct format. These can subsequently be modified using a text editor to complete the model specification. Finally, it produces a set of files that enable the visualisation and checking of the model structure (Table 3). If modifications to the structure of the model are required, it can be reloaded into ZETUP for alteration. Only the checking files listed in Table 3 are described in detail within this manual. Detailed descriptions of the files listed in Table 1 and 2, which form input to ZOOMQ3D are presented in the ZOOMQ3D manual (Jackson & Spink, 2004).

Item Type: Publication - Report
Programmes: BGS Programmes > Other
Funders/Sponsors: NERC
Additional Information. Not used in RCUK Gateway to Research.: This item has been internally reviewed but not externally peer-reviewed
Additional Keywords: GroundwaterBGS, Groundwater, Groundwater modelling
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Date made live: 10 Dec 2010 16:24 +0 (UTC)

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